1st timer


Active Member
right guys if growing outside will i need to switching to bloom nutes to get flowers or will the grow nutes make it pre flower then i switch to bloom:?:
(hope i`ve explained my self properley)
cheers fil7


Active Member
No need for nutrients outside... You'll never be able to keep up with it cuz it rains and rain has none of that... Just let them sit in a good sunny spot and if you want to get a bigger yield top/ super crop them once every few weeks and in about August they will bloom up fast... The season and light changing will trigger blooming... If you just let them sit and water every few days on dry periods you can do that too... They basically take care of themselves outside...


Active Member
i started on window sill with bio bizz light mix & potted on with all mix
cheers fil7


Active Member
I also grow outside in containers. Start with veg ferts until you see the first flowers, then switch to bloom ferts. Last two weeks befor harvest STOP and flush just water. Important advise : don't be to paranoid with fertilisers , I have ruined many plants by over-fertilise them. It's better to have an under-fertilised than an over-fertilised plant. Cannabis is quite a tough plant, needs little care, just don't neglect.
Last two years I follow this (in my opinion) very effective technique : I plant them in an already , kinda of a super soil, mixed up media which is basically soil enriched up with some organic "good" stuff such as guanos (seabird and bat) some worm castings, some sea weed, some coco soil and so. Actually you can find millions of recipes in RIU and then maybe inspired and create your most effective one.
Cannabis needs quite a little care and much more true interest in get to know really into her. And Ofcourse love & respect.