1st try at LST



New to the whole LST thing.. just tied my babes down right now
Do I cut the string later ? and when?
Do I have to tie it again after the 1st time?

25 days vegging... how they look?....... will be flowering soon



Active Member
it depends on what your trying to do as to weather or not you'll cut it or not or tie it down again later. as it grows you'll need to tie it down again to keep the top down. i assume your trying to get multi tops from the side branches so you'll wanna keep the top lower than those branches untill they catch up with the top. jmo good luck


*wanabe he's right..
I didn't mention I have them under 150 hps n 2 cfls

For flowering im putting in 2 42watters n maybe a 3rd 300 wattee