1st week in the ground, yellow tips normal?


Well-Known Member
High guys, got a picture of my 6 day old plant. I have 13 going, this is currently the largest.
Lights: 8 CFLs (5 26w 6500K, 3 23w 550K)
Medium: Jiffy seed started mix
Watering schedule: one healthy watering a day and occasionally an ounce of water into each midday. Tap water.

Is this normal sometimes for the first set of laves of is there some sort of deficiency? I keep the bulbs pretty close, the last 2 pics show how close. Gadget shows max temp at 86F and max humidity at 59%, working on putting an exhaust fan in soon.

Thanks in advance for any advice!!


Well-Known Member

The tips are still yellow but now the leafs are curling under quite a bit. Is this due to over watering? Heat too high? I have not started adding nutes yet, should I?

Thanks a bunch


Active Member
Is it happening to all of them or only a few that're particularly close to a bulb? Looks like your CFL's are just a little to close to some of them, by half inch or so.


Well-Known Member
Is it happening to all of them or only a few that're particularly close to a bulb? Looks like your CFL's are just a little to close to some of them, by half inch or so.
Well its happening to about 1/2 of the plants on their petals but no the leafs. About 3 or 4 of the plants have yellowish leafs and probably 7 or 8 have yellowish petals now.
I will back all the CFLs off a tad and see if it helps, I have also switched to distilled water from tap water.

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
tap water could be your problem. all you have to do is just fill your watering can up with tap water and let it air out and youre good. but i dont recommend using peat pots cause i had a bad experience with them cause once it gets hot the peat pots lose moisture mad fast. so id go to plastic or clay pots..

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I had the EXACT thing happen w/a lil over 1/2 of my seedlings on this grow! They are all thriving now. I was using tap water, and switched to bottled water. Used a DROP of B-1 as well as a DROP of SuperThrive, and they bounced back BEAUTIFULLY!


Well-Known Member
Also, wats yer temps? Srry fer not askin everythin @ once, kept remembering questions:eyesmoke:
Haha no prob man, I appreciate all the info whether its in one post or 50 :P

I have been trying to go more by their water schedule but I have them in Jiffy pots and the pots seem to dry out very fast, especially with the fan blowing on them. They have been recieving at least one healthy watering a day, and occasionally a splash before I go to bed. About how much should 1 week old seedlings require? I have a small fan on low-med going with the lights, 20 on 4 off. Should I be turning the fan off for a while after watering?

My temps have been as low as 69F when the lights are off, and as high as 87F with the lights on and doors closed for many hours. I have an exhaust fan on order that should arrive tomorrow according to ups.com so that should help. I have been cracking the door open when I get home at night to let the temps drop to around 77-78F then Ill close the door to let it warm up again before the lights go out.

I have switched to the 77 cent gallon jugs of distilled water from walmart, and I raised the lights up another 2-3 inches. The lights are about 3-4 inches above my tallest, and 4-5 inches above the smallest ones for now. Ill take some pics tonight and post them here and in my journal. Theres a link to my journal in my signature if anyone is interested :)

Thanks guys I appreciate all the feedback


Well-Known Member
Oh hey, I forgot...haha....bongsmilie

I also have some Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1) and some Superthrive. Is it too early to add them? And would 1 drop of Superthrive per gallon do any good without fertilizer? I figured I would wait till about the end of week 2 then add 1/4 Tablespoon AFF and 1 drop of Superthrive to a gallon of my distilled water, just don't know if thats waiting too long or not.



Well-Known Member
OK here are some pics of the largest and smallest of my 13 plants. As well as more pics of my light setup with the lights raised a bit.

Plant #1, largest of the batch. The petals have turned pretty yellow and the main leafs are curled under pretty bad. The tips of the curled under leafs are also yellow. The new leafs coming in are looking nice & green so far. Same plant in both pics:

Plant #13, smallest of the batch. The leaf on the right was 100% shriveled up and brown 4 days ago. It is now over 60% green and looking good. The left leaf is yellow at the tip and slightly deformed. The petals are also very yellow on this plant, with a black spot on one.

And here are a couple pics of my light setup after raising the lights. The tallest plant is about 3-4 inches from the lights, with the smallest being 4-5inches from them. The lights were raised about 3 inches.

Other changes to the closet/environment include a new 250CFM exhaust fan pumping air into the walls from 4PM to 7PM during the hours when the door is closed the longest. It seems to pull air nicely from under the door. I also reduced the amount of water I am giving the plants each day, I think over watering is causing the bulk of my problems. I added 1/8Tsp of Superthrive to 1 gallon of distilled water and used that mixture to water them for the first time today. It says on the bottle to use with water alone for recovery or transplanting to reduce stress.

Thanks for the help everyone


Well-Known Member
OK so after a few days of much less water and raised lights they seem to be doing not great but not any worse haha.

I also have watered twice with the Superthrive blend now and all new growth seems to be pretty green but most petals and half of the plants 1st set of leaves are showing some yellow.

I figured it up and I was adding over 70mL of water per plant at the beginning, Im surprised they even lived looking back on it. Id say over watering coupled with low lights were my 2 main issues. Ill post some pics soon so you guys can let me know if they look like they are recovering ok or not.
