1x Super Lemon Haze, All CFLs = 6.8 ounces harvest


Well-Known Member
looks very good my man hats off to ya.
did i read it wrong or was the weight befor dry and cure.

growem green spike------------bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie.
That was the weight after 1 week of drying. It was before the cure. They were pretty much dry after that though , but I'd estimate I may have lost .5 ounces or less during the cure, since I've never noticed the jars very moist when I burp them... They smell phenomenal though!


Well-Known Member
To c something like this done under CFLs gives me great hope for the ladies I have growing under my 1000W MH. I'm bout to flower them with my 1000W HPS, so I'm looking 4wd to the nxt cpl of months 4 sure.. Did urs take the 9-10 weeks 2 flower, or were they ready earlier?


im not gonna lie those look great to the eye and all, but if they took 12 or more weeks to flower fuck all that