2 1/2 gal vs 5 gal?


Active Member
Halfway through my second grow.

Pot size: Sorry if this is redundant--try doing a search with 'pot'. I used 5 gallon pots last time--sometimes got pretty hard for me to yard around. I've got plenty of room and would rather use 2 1/2 gallon over 5's unless there's a real significant reason to use 5 gal? 1000w psg


Well-Known Member
there is a post some where might be faq up top but the size of the container should be 1 gal per ft of growth. 5 gal can handle 5+ foot plant


Active Member
All things considered, in general, would yield be comparable from a bunch of smaller plants compared to a smaller number of big ones?


Well-Known Member
If you want do a SoG.. Grow twice as many plants in the same period they will each yeild twice.. mathmatically if you grow 2x the plants and yeild half as fast then you double your yeild in the long run because the plants only have to grow half as tall to yeild same amount but since its only have they do it twice as often..


Well-Known Member
As far as plant health and bud quality the bigger the pot the better.
You may compromise on this to fit your grow area for sake of ease.

If I had the room I would use 5 or 10 gal buckets even if you were trying to do a SOG.

This will allow the plants to be all they can be.


Well-Known Member
Thanks.. that makes alot of sence now. But is that 1 gallon wide or tall style? Or would it not matter? ex.. wider then tall or taller then wide?


Well-Known Member
The 1 gallon per one foot of plant is one of jorge cervantes' "Rule of Thumb"
not only his for optimal root space, but to be true, roots can develop with less space too and a plant can bring you decent crop with less then 1gal/ft but this decreases with every foot really! as soon you gone cross the line of 3ft in flower this rule matters to gain the last fraction of an ounce of a plant. if you grow a 5ft+ plant outdoors or in a greenhouse the extra gallon pays of largely at harvest time;)