2 1/2 weeks. do they look ok? ***PICS***


Well-Known Member
hi all, 2 1/2 weeks. small yellow spots.

i thought it might be the tapwater so i'm using rainwater now or water that's left to sit for 24 hours.

any comments? this is generally the point where i fuck something up and the plants die. I just want to make sure they look ok and that i'm not heading in the wrong direction.

comments are MUCH appreciated.

Foxfarm soil and foxfarm nutes (starting at 1/4 strength in one week).

MH light 24/7.



Well-Known Member
Looks like they have had too much water? Also I can't really tell but that might be a chemical burn or a deficiency of some sort. You might want to post picks in the sick plant section. If they stay droopy or get more of those spots on the leaves you might want to pick up some revive from Advanced Nuets.


Well-Known Member
well, i think that i did/do overwater them. i'm cutting it down to every 3 days at this point.
i haven't added any nutes to this point and the soil is FoxFarm Oceanfloor.

as far as strain, it's just bagstuff, so no clue at all.


Well-Known Member
PH or lack of N. could cause the yellowing spots. It looks like it is on the older leaves, so hopefully, you have that figured out and it is not spreading. The drooping does look like overwatering especially when you say you are cutting it down to 3 days at this point. You should not put a schedule on when you water but water when the plant tells you it wants water. Like by the weight of the pot or putting your finger in the soil and feeling for moisture. This is just an estimate but I still think 3 days is too soon. The plants do not look that big in those pots, so I do not think it needs water that quick yet. It is better to let the soil dry up a bit to let the roots get some oxygen occasionally. When you water, soak it until it comes out the bottom a little and then let it dry out until the pot feels light or when you put your finger an inch into the soil and it feels dry.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice on the watering. much appreciated.

is week 3 a safe time to start with 1/4 strength nutes?


You an definetly go 1/4 strength nutes, or if ya wanted 1/2. Also I would start lighting 18on/6off now for sure.


New Member
Look to be overwatered. Your pH may be a little high if you're using tap. If you don't have a meter I suggest buying smoe superthrive and putting it in your tap water. Add like a teaspoon to a gallon and it will lower the pH a little.

Look at your city's water report and trust it to be accurate, because it probably is. Most places have harder water.


Well-Known Member
what's the benefit to going 18/6 at this point as opposed to 24/0?
i've read that plants sometimes need a little 'rest' period during veg stage.

also, is using distilled water a good idea versus tapwater?


New Member
what's the benefit to going 18/6 at this point as opposed to 24/0?
i've read that plants sometimes need a little 'rest' period during veg stage.

also, is using distilled water a good idea versus tapwater?

You should always distill your tap water to get chlorine out. Its worse for younger plants, could be your problem.

Water from the store (distilled drinking water) has a very low ppm (<25) and a pH of 7.0 (pH neutral). True of most all purified drinking water you purchase. That is still a little high for growing mj in soil, so superthrive works man, I have a meter and tested it. I put ~3ml in 3 or so gal of h2o and it dropped the pH more than .5.

look at your city's water report. if you're in the city, don't use the water, unless its like a small mountain city.

buy meters.

have a good day sir.:peace: