2 1000 watt HPS too hott for space?


Well-Known Member
Well. i'm running a room with 2600w and 7gallon pots in a 10x8 space. sometimes it gets to 90 degrees in there. i've had heat problems the whole time. 2 intake and 2osilating fans keeps it at bay but barely. it also depends on the temperature outside.. it was cold when we started now its warming up starting to mess with the heat in the room. singed a couple nodes on the bubbas.
I just checked out Mblaze's grow and he says he prefers the high 90s but he is useing co2, seems to me that us with no co2 can not get high temps with out problems. Or atleast we get a better grow with lower temps 75-80:blsmoke:


Active Member
so do you guys think I will get atleast 3 pounds with 2000 watts going on 16 kush plants in a 4x6x6 tent? They are up to 18 inches about to switch to flowering today.... what do you think? Im hoping for 2 lbs at the least...


Active Member
Im doing botanicare nutrients.....
1 gallon water per 4 plants
2 tbs-bloom
2tsp-liquid karma
1tsp-silica blast
I flushed for 2 days with clearex and water.....be4 putting into flowering any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
lol 90 degrees wont kill your plants. it will slow growth however if there is no additional c02 given. about 1500ppm @ approx 80-85 degrees would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
i've reached 92 (AC broke) and it sucked stessed them a bit but none of them died or slumped over and this was 8 different strains....so:?:


Well-Known Member
You Growers do realize its not like a automatic death right, it all starts with stress which if condintions stay 90 or above (no extra co2) they will go beyond stress and wilt and die.