2-3 ft tall white widow in Homebox xs

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
just wanted to know if it was possible for me to harvest 2 or more ounces of of a 2-3 ft tall white widow plant?


Well-Known Member
high quality soil = dirt.

is your plant vagging still or what?

what lights?


more information is needed to answer your question.

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
Two 42W CFl 6500k for vegatation per plant. no added CO2 than normal air. 12' pots
Two 68W CFL 2700k for flowering plus the other 42W 6500k lights which is two lights per plant. in other words each plant will have 4 CFl in budding

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
Two 42W CFl 6500k for vegatation per plant. no added CO2 than normal air. 12' pots
Two 68W CFL 2700k for flowering plus the other 42W 6500k lights which is two lights per plant. in other words each plant will have 4 CFl in budding
cmon i really need to know how much to grow. i dont want any more than a pound and wanna have4 plants. 3 ft max!

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
my grow area is a homebox xs which is 2'x2'x4'. so i can only fit about 4-6 plants without extreme overcrowding. i wants to harvest 8-10 oz. i just wanna know if its possible.


Well-Known Member
with a CFL grow and 4' of space you can probably get a few oz's. Not more than 3 id say. But i dunno.

once you turn to flower, your plant will double to triple in size, so keep that in mind. Your gonna wanna veg it out to be a foot then start your flowering.

LST would be your friend


Active Member
i dont see how. I grow white widow and she loves lots of light. I found that you really dont get a great crop til you hit the 4000-5000 lumens per square foot. I dont see you getting that with cfl lighting. i turn out a 3 oz plant but it has a 5 gallon root ball and a 2 inch thick stalk. I dont see you getting that.

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
Great Thanks For The Input Guys. Were you talking about me getting no more than 3 oz per plant or for the entire crop?kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
There are alot of different methods you can do to get more yield. Liek low stress training, topping, FIMing. Use some good nutes and that will def help you out.

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
i wanted to sell the 8 oz to my sister for 1G. i was gonna smoke the rest and get more supplies with the 1G!:twisted: