2.5 X 5 X 7.5H Space - 1000 Watts Baby!! Many Pics


Well-Known Member
Perhaps, in your sitch, it is the temp. I was just mentioning that I have purchased afghan from the dispensaries out here with purple hues to it.


Well-Known Member
What the hell is this?!?

I'm growing four different strains right now and only the Thai X Skunk is effected.

  • Thai X Skunk plants around three weeks old
  • DWC, ppm 300 ph 5.6
  • only the very lower leaves are effected
These plants will be my first attempt at cloning so I would like them as healthy as possible.

What's wrong with the leaves and what should I do about it?

These leafs are burnt by your light. Put your light 6" higher and see if its good.


Well-Known Member
Finally, here's the Trainwreck bagseeds that I got from a local dispensery here in CO.

Very inconsistent seeds. One was a mutant that is still struggling but is showing great signs of new growth. One died as a seedling, and the last seed is the beautiful young plant pictured.



Well-Known Member
Here is the cloning/mother set-up. I've decided to do it right and sex the plants by cloning.

Many of you know that I'm also growing out of a pc case. I've decided that the pc case has too many flaws to produce good marijuani through the entire life cycle.

During flowering the little plant drinks tons of water/nutes and if you don't fill it every two days it depletes its 1/2 gal res and the pant is stressed and the roots are dry. I'm not dedicated enough to do a water fill every two days.

Anyway, I did decide that the pc case will be perfect for cloning for sex. I can easily fit 24 cuttings in the case and run a 12/12 light cycle until they show their sex. It will be very useful to have that small area to clone for sex

I've also included a pic of my flowering pc plant...



Well-Known Member
How old does a plant have to be before you can take a cutting to clone for sex? These plants are around 3-4 weeks old...

Can I take clones from these plants??

This will be my first appempt at cloning!!



Active Member
I know you got a digital ballast running but u should always mount it on a heat resistant surface rather then on the wood, also HPS bulbs tend to make the ballast get a little hotter then the MH bulbs, very nice setup dude.


Well-Known Member
I carefully held onto the plant as I cut away the 2" net pots. I then fed the roots through a hole I cut in the 4" net pots. The net pots are filled in with clay pellets only, no rockwool.

