2 carbon filters?


Well-Known Member
not sure, but sounds like a good way to burn up your fan. to much restriction maybe?
This is something that would trouble me too.

Each carbon filter reduces your fans efficiency by 20%.

So in effect 2 could reduce it by 40%.

Then any bends in ductwork reduce it again.

Its a fine balancing act getting good power with all the restrictions that everything else puts on the fan.

Is this because you're getting smell leakage?



New Member
The simple answer is no, not recommended. Why would you want too anyways? If one isn't doing the job then 2 won't be any better. Check your R/H, humidity kills the carbons ability to absorb. Ozoneators are the only sure way of getting rid of smell.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
yeah i can slightly smell it, was wondering if it would be ok to use, ill just buy a better/bigger filter then instead thanks for the replies