2 cheeses and a peyote critical

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Hey guys thought I'd share a few plants i have.
Under 240w of vipar led. And 200w of Citi cobs.
Not real old now. Just starting to show sex.
I topped them all at different times. But within the last week. And just cut the top 4 fan leaves on each. (I may get criticised for this but in my head this slows those tops some more and allows for more nodes to pop through the bottom)
Everyone does it there own way. I'm just a learner really.
The 2 cheeses are at the back. And peyote up front. It didn't like the switch from outdoor to indoor so much (1 week ago) but is just coming back around now. Anyway I'll try keep you updated as I go from hereCCamPic_000016.jpg
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Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
5 days later we have liftoff from all candidates.
They took some slight root damage on the transfer from outdoors to indoors,which is evident with there recovery needed and the look of mixed deficiencies that weren't there.
a single bottle organic hydroponic nutrient that has .05% CA to .20% mag which works great for my tap water which already contains some calcium in the form of caco3
Gogo juice bacteria
Calmag (tiny bit)
Epson salt(tiny bit)

Nutrient water in at 6.6ph 550-700ppm
runnoff at 6.6ph 1150ppm

starting to borderline needing a flush..
I won't pH the water as acid buffers arent good for bacteria.
in my head the pot contains salts/buildup
which run out with the water obviously. So it should mix and level the pH as well as the organic side of things..
this is my first organic grow.
soil on top half. Perlite bottom half.
something different that worked for a mate
It's interesting actually. Sorta half hydro half soil. Which works perfect for these nutes. Which are half synthetic half organic derived. And keeps root rot away for me as my location is soooo moist!!!! Also allows for me to push them like hydro and water up to 3x daily 1.5L each. So they will happily drink 4.5L ea daily in this stage. Amazing
PS peyote is now back right.

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Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Looks very nice.
Thanks turbo!!!
I had great success with Dwc here until I got smashed with cyanobacteria and it became way to tedious.
Tried hempys. With good results. But also touchy to bad bacteria. Tried d2w with sad results compared to dwc and hempys. So told a mate to try something completely different using half organics. He did. And our plans grew 4ounces of beautifully smoke in a 2ftx2ft tent. So now we are trying to refine the hybrid method. Basically I went back to the kiss rule for nutrients. But learnt up on supersoils and amendments and such. I should just stick to one method hahah

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
6 days later :)
These guys are loving this 33celcius (90f) heat
A bit of heat stress but they're pushing through. Flushed them to remove excess nutrients. And tied them all down.
Front plant was tied down 2 days ago.
Rear left. Tied down yesty
Rear right. Just tied down then

Switched them to flower a few days ago. From concern they would double :p
But to be fair. Since I train them for the first few weeks of flower. They double out more then up

PS the growth is no joke competing with Dwc speeds. Maybe not for early veg. But this hybrid soil/hydro style setup using bacteria and such. Works a treat!!!
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