2-CP might just be the strongest psych out there. Fucking crazy ass frighening exp.


New Member
Okay so I aqquired 5 tabs of 2CP 10mg each, and I was suppose to drop a tab with my friends the other day but I didn't work out and I was pretty egar to try this shit out so today I decided to give this new substance a test. I have done 25i many times highest dose being 3600ug, I've done Cid 2 times and have had all good trips first trip was 300ug (2 tabs 150ug each) second was even better and more fun dosed 600ug (4 tabs 150ug each as well) and finally I've dropped shrooms plenty of times. Highest dose being 5.8 grams. I've never had or came close to having a bad trip on either of any of these substances.
Anyways to the trip. Early this morning around 7am I put 1 10mg tab under my tounge and watched Cartoon network waiting for it to dissolve in my mouth and not swallowing the saliva. Anyways I didn't feel anything after about 45 minutes so I swallowed it along with the saliva. About 2 hours in I still barely felt anything so I decided to take another. 20mg total. 20 minutes with it under my tounge I felt a very warm sensation creep upon me. My jaw was starting to clench a bit and my mouth was completley numb. I swallowed the tab along with the saliva and just chilled. It was 9:45am and this shit was kicking my ass. Colors were extremley bright and I was having a great body high. 10am rolled by and this is when shit started to get wierd. I went outside to smoke a bowl and I looked up and this fucking tree in my backyard kept shifting side to side. I thought to myself this is odd. Whatever and I smoked a bowl of this incredible Lemon Kush my buddy grew. (Check it out will post link down below.) I zoned out for literattly about 20 minutes with all these crazy thougths going through my head like what it would be like if I have never been born and what my mom would think of me if she knew I was selling weed. I don't know why but these thoughts were really bothering me. I decided to go back inside and watch some more of cartoon network and decided I would just let it take me to where ever it took me and not fight it because I know that's how people panic.

Bugs bunny was on and out of fucking no where he popped out of the screen I shit you not and told me "Your fucked your going to be stuck like this forever." This tripped me the fuck out and I changed the channel and prison break was on. Happens to be the episode where Terrence kills himself in front of Michael and his brother in some motel. He then turned around looked me dead in the face and said the samething. "Your fucked your going to be stuck like this forever."
Fuck I thought to myself. I decided to change the channel to the Fox 5 just to chill out and see what was going on with the weather. Everything was going swell when the weather man stopped talking about weather and said "Good luck Anthony ______" (he said my last name.)
I turned the TV off and stood up and realized I had a extreme body high. It was 10:30am and I walked back outside this time just to smoke a cigarette to see if it would calm me down. I kept telling myself "It's just a drug. I can controll this." that seemed to work until I noticed the tree took the form of some sort of Demon like figure. Fuck this shit. I threw my cigarette down and ran inside and locked the door behind me and when I turned around all these colors jumped at me like they were attacking me and I fell down and was holding on to the door knob. This was seriously freaking me out. I called my buddy I got the tabs from and told him what was going on. Meanwhile everything was spinning and I kept hearing these beat box noises over and over again in my head. He asked me how many tabs I dropped and I told him 2. "Dude are you fucking kidding me?" I began to panic and demanded him to tell me what was going on. He told me that 20mg is a extremely high dose and I was just tripping real hard. I hung up the phone in anger that this idiot sold me this shit. I knew it wasn't his fault but at the time it seemed like he was to blame. I realized that I kept zoning out real hard in all these deeps thoughts (probably from the wake and bake and the 2CP) and stumbled my ass up stairs to play some music. I turned on Kid Cudi and started listening to Cudi Zone because he normally calms me down.

When I heard the music it was like everything was enhanced and in my mind I literattly felt like I was leaving my body. I picked up my cell phone and dialed 911 but didn't hit call. Debating whether or not I should call the police and just have them take me to the hospital.
It was 11 now and it's been 4 hours since I put the first tab under my tounge. This was getting out of control. I walked up stairs to my bedroom and laid down in a frantic hope that everything would just narrow down. Then I started to peak. Everything became crazy like and when I looked around it was if I was in the sky and everything around me was just like clouds. I believe at this point this was a flashback of one of my 25i trips when I dosed at 3600ug. It was the exact same settings. Everything around me was pink covered with clouds. I began having an outburst of laughter. At this point I honestly did not care what was going on. I was actually geeking pretty hard. I got up and was walking around in my room threw these clouds. I probably did this for an hour straight. No joke. It was noon now and I was still peaking hard as shit. I then had this crazy thought that maybe life isn't real and that dreams are real life. I don't know but it made a whole bunch of sense at the time. Then I just realized that I had 3 Xanax bars down stais in my freezer (It no longer worked the freezer that is.) In all hope that it would put me to sleep and end this trip I ran down stairs and popped 2 of them right then and there. I loaded up my pipe and smoked a fatass bowl. Then everything was just starting to get darker and darker and I looked up and my whole ceiling including my walls were purple. That's when the bars kicked in and I fell asleep. It was just about 2pm. I slept for about 4 hours and woke up at 6:22 on the dot. I was still tripping though. Crazy as shit. Not as nearly as hard as I was before but still tripping. I checked my phone and had 3 missed phone calls and 5 text messages from my brother asking me where the hell I am. Oh shit! He was suppose to come over today at 3:30 and smoke some herb with me and I was going ot show him some of these tabs and see if he wanted to drop some with me.

I called him back up and he answered and asked me if everything was alright and if I was okay. I told him what has been going on and to get over here ASAP. I stared at my fish tank for 20 minutes watching 3D patterns form all over the tank and watching it change colors. The door bell rang and my brother arrived. It was 7pm and basically lectured me for half an hour about how I cant be doing stupid shit like this blah blah blah and how next time I need a sitter to be with me before I do some shit like this again.
It's now 9:49pm and everything is coming down. I'm eating pizza right now on Netflix watching Prison Break with my brother and smoking some herb. I'm high as shit and wanted to share this crazy ass exp. with all of you.

Alirght RUI I'll be on later.
Damn dude if that was me i wud have had the time of my life. Hey if you don't want the rest of those tabs man you sure as hell can send them my way :) Either way 20mg of 2 cp not such a good idea. I would recommend 1 tab and dude it takes a lil while longer to kick in then normal tabs of like 25I for example and acid. It takes a while to fully kick in and shit. Either way sounds like a really spiritual trip. Hope you enjoied it dude.
Damn..just looked up 2c-p..and now its illegal...goddamn it...sounds like you had a good time...thanks for the report!
Sounds like what I'd expect from 20mg of 2c-p. 10mg is a high dose and 2c-p is known for producing difficult experiences. Read up about drugs before you take them. A little time on erowid would have prevented this.
Sounds like what I'd expect from 20mg of 2c-p. 10mg is a high dose and 2c-p is known for producing difficult experiences. Read up about drugs before you take them. A little time on erowid would have prevented this.
Oh yeah. I am no longer tripping now though thank god. I'll deff have to do some research on this shit tho thats for sure. Actually believe it or not I posted a question about it in this forum and I wish someone like you would have gave me the heads up but at the same time this was probably one of the most intense trips I've ever had. Ever. Damn though I'm pretty happy I found those bars or else I probably would have been in some deep doo doo.
Oh yeah. I am no longer tripping now though thank god. I'll deff have to do some research on this shit tho thats for sure. Actually believe it or not I posted a question about it in this forum and I wish someone like you would have gave me the heads up but at the same time this was probably one of the most intense trips I've ever had. Ever. Damn though I'm pretty happy I found those bars or else I probably would have been in some deep doo doo.
Sorry I missed it. In the future look things up on erowid.org before dosing.
I didn't know it could take up to 3 hours to feel the effects otherwise I never would have dosed that high.

I LoL'd, sounds like my first time with acid. I took 2 blotters and waited an hour. Took another one, thinking these where weak sauce. So about 30 mins after the 4th blotter, eveything was melting, I was fubar'd. I completely over estimated the power of such a tiny lil stamp.. Geez.
Hell yeah dude. That shit happend 2 me and It kicked my ass for sure, mistake made.
Just added another thing to cross off in my to do list.
I think I woulda flipped even more if I didn't have herb at hand..I CANNOT trip without weed..maybe I could roll..but never trip.
It's not that 2c-p is potent, it's that it has a very steep dose response curve. With drugs like that you need to slowly increase the dosage by small amounts. Some substances doubling the dose doubles the effects, so it will increase them tenfold. Treat those with respect!
Ducks right..same way with nbomes..I think people relate dosing different drugs all too much with lsd..lsd at a point won't do shit to you if you're allready tripping balls,with other chems (like nbomes) you take one and its a trip.two is a hard trip,three is stupid..etc...it doesn't make you trip longer but "stacks"the dose and doubles the potency,3 triples and so forth..not amount of the drug,but POTENCY is increased 100 percent..if that effect were the same with lsd,2 hits would be like 10 hits,3 like 100,etc...that's why the ld is lower on these type drugs and they can be dangerous(imagine spilling 20mg of 2c whatever on yourself,in its purest form,bad times.)..I don't know if this applys to 2cp,but I feel its something that should. Be voiced..aquire your doses safely and through knowledgable reliable trusted sources to avoid "mishap"
This is why really knowing the drug you're taking is so important. Taking crazy doses with no tolerances an going to hurt you that bad with say lot or acid. With alcohol you still have a really wide margin for error, especially with a little experience. How many kids gets sick the first few times drinking and never do again? 2c-p is one of those drugs that can and will bite you if you disrespect it. There's no excuse with all the information available today. When I started taking drugs erowid didn't even EXIST! People don't even realize how lucky they are.