2 days into flower yellowing.. help appreciated


had its second dark period since flipping beginning to yellow quite a bit.. 003.jpg001.jpg.. its a different plant but the issue is the same.. first is 3 or 4 days before the 2nd and 2 days after the switch. any idead?


ffof and roots potting soil mix 50/50 umm used grow big and big bloom starting about week 4, flipped after 6 weeks so they got about 3 feedings with gb and bb started at half strength then moved up little each watering... watered after day 1 on 12/12 with gb bb and tiger.. everything phed to 6.8-6.9 and came out around 6.5-6.6,800-1000 ppm.. they never got full strength grow big.. did get little burning on tips so never gave them full strength .. its 600 watt hps in 4x4 tent with about 4 gallon pots that they have been in for 3 weeks or so.. growth was good during veg. light is 8-12" away and could be closer but ill leave it at this height. thanks for any info


i didnt use any cal mag but i have some and will give some next watering.. i didnt add any lime to my mix, guess i should have as the soil is lowering my ph every watering.. can i just put some on top of my soil and let it mix in by watering?


can i just add cal mag every watering or should i do that and get some lime.. my runoff is comin out around 6.5 soo thinking i probably don't need to do both? i know just checking runoff isnt an exact reading of soil ph but it does tell a little i would imagine?


Well-Known Member
just flush her out with ph leveled water and cal/mag bring your ph down to at least a 6.3 then when u start theyre feed give em 1/4 strength nuets and youll be fine gl