2 Devil's Harvest Shoreline / 2 DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk


Active Member
Devil's Harvest Shoreline were feminizedseeds I ordered from seasofseeds, 2 sprouted. DNA lemon skunks were clones taken from another clone. Lemon skunks on the left and shorelines on the right in all pics.

April 13
shoreline 6 days from paper towel soak.jpg

April 24
shoreline and lemonskunk clones.jpg

May 3
lemonskunk and shorelines.jpg

May 9
skunks left shoreline right.jpg

May 14
lemonskunks left shorelines right.jpg

May 23 (day 1 of 12/12)
leftskunks rightshorelines.jpg

May 31 (day 8 flower)

June 12 (20 days flowering)

Devils Harvest Shorelines:
shoreline 1.jpgshore 2.jpgshore 2 closeup.jpgshoreline 2.jpg

Lemon Skunk:

Used a bubblecloner, 5 gallon bucket with 3 airstones, filled with aquashield and a little calmag. Changed water every 3 days. Everything rooted after about 2 weeks. Throwing most of these away, no room :sad:
clone roots.jpg

1 lemon skunk clone, and 2 shoreline clones now in roughly veg week 1.

Happy to answer questions or to hear suggestions or comments.

*Apologies if any of this sounds familiar, my other post as a journal entry I had problems with the pics so starting this from scratch here.


Active Member

One of the shoreline is showing some odd signs, leaf curl. It's only on a couple leafs. I thought it would be pH, but it's been stable around 5.5. The other shoreline and 2 lemon skunks show none of the same symptoms. I flushed with about 20 gallons R/O pH water and changed the nutrients. Maybe just a couple mutant leafs?
shore 1 curled leaf.jpg

Shorelines seem to be developing flowers faster than than the lemon skunks (but there are many more flower sites on the lemon skunks). The lemon skunks are much older. I started germinating the shoreline seeds about the time the skunk clones were transplanted into their netpots and fed week 1 veg nutes. Had to tie down and cut back the lemon skunks quite a bit, so there are a ton of flower sites now compared to the younger shorelines.

shore2 closeup.jpgshore 2.jpgshore 1.jpg

Lemon skunks:
skunk 1.jpgskunk 2.jpg

Still can't get over how simple cloning was again. These will be probably need to be cut back quite a bit over the next 5 weeks while they wait under the T5 for the others to finish.
shoreline 2.jpgshoreline 1.jpgskunk.jpg


Active Member
Nice grow lemon skunk is sum awesome tasteing weed i like it a lot
Thanks, this is my second round with the lemon skunk and love it.

Been cleaning off fan leaves that block light to the lower branches daily, trying to fill out the screen and hoping for some more stretch to fill out sections of the screen.

Shorelines are supposed to turn to purple after week 6, at least they did in another grow I saw of same breeder's seeds. Few more pics from tonight:



Active Member
Just about 4 weeks of flowering done. Was clipping off fan leaves like crazy almost every day but I think I am going to let it all grow out now if it's near the screen. Not the cleanest scrog, kind of a lazy man scrog I guess.

back of room.jpgunder canopy.jpgskunk side.jpgoverview.jpgview from door.jpg

One shoreline still has some odd looking leaf curl going on with 2 or 3 of the tops. Seems strange only one plant shows this leaf curl when all 4 of them are sharing the same nutes and have identical conditions.

shoreline 1.jpg

Shoreline pics:
shoreline 2.jpgshore 22.jpgshore 2.jpgshore 2 closer.jpgshore 1.jpgshore 1 closer.jpgshore 1 close.jpg

Kept the clones alive, their roots still look healthy despite my neglect and not changing their water. Still can't bring myself to throw them in the trash yet. Topped the next round of clones and they are growing nicely. They have at least another 5 weeks under the T5 in veg, so my plan is to feed them very lightly so they don't get too out of control by the time they start 12/12.
veg side.jpg


Active Member
Start of week 6, shorelines looking good so far, very frosty and pungent. They seem to be maturing faster than the lemon skunks (which have vegged longer and have been topped more). I'm doubting they will wind up looking anything close to the deep purple color they turned out in El Throttle's grow https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/578833-devils-harvest-shoreline.html


shoreee.jpgshoreeee.jpgshore2.jpgshore1.jpgshore.jpgshore 4.jpgshore 3.jpg

Lemon Skunks:

skunk1.jpgskunk 5.jpgskunk 3.jpg



Active Member
The lemon skunks are showing signs of a calcium deficiency on some fan leaves, not sure if I should up the dosage of Calmag from 7ml per gallon or just not worry about it. Shorelines look fine to me with no sign of deficiency, and maturing faster than the skunks.

It looks really crowded in there to me, especially the skunk side. Really uncertain if I should cut down more fan leaves in the crowded or let just let it go. I think air circulation is still pretty decent with the box fan and the 8" canfan in the room.

Any advice/suggestions/comments welcome.

Having trouble getting a good pic with the camera flash, kind of hard to see.

both.jpgveg 1.jpgshore2.jpgshore1.jpgshore.jpgshore closeup.jpgshore 3.jpgrear shore.jpgoverview2.jpgshores.jpgoverview1.jpgnugs.jpgshore cola.jpgLS1.jpglemons center.jpgclose shore.jpgveg 2.jpg


Active Member
Very very pleased with the Shorelines. Going to give them a few more days still.
Been flushing for about 5 days now, changed res today and filled with clearex at 8ml per gallon. Plan is to run the clearex for 24 hours then refill it again with just water until the end.

Lemon skunks aren't looking so good to me, I think I topped them too much during their 8 weeks of clone/veg. Last go round, they looked far more mature at day 61. Showed calcium deficiencies a few weeks back (while the shorelines looked great), I can only guess they aren't able to share the same pond with the shorelines. Not sure if it's packed too tight on the skunk side, they were topped and LST'd too hard for too long, or the shorelines ate most of their nutes before they could get their fill. Maybe all of the above.

The clones I took from the Shorelines 61 days ago are about 4 feet tall now and look enormous to me. I topped them once, then I left them alone, don't think I clipped a single fan leaf off this time. I hope I'm not too late to clone these, they're showing their sex already pretty clearly.

Lemon skunk in the front of the veg room, the 2 shorelines in the back look like they are twice as big.

Still no clue if I should post these things on the grow journal forum or as a journal entry.


Active Member
Started pulling down the strings last night to get ready to chop the Shorelines and looks like I found some ceeds starting to form on some of the growth that is just underneath the canopy. Damnit. This is my 2nd harvest, and this is my second time finding ceeds. I need to figure out why this has happened again.

Light leak? There is a small hole in the AC unit, and if my wife does laundry in the basement when the plants are sleeping, a very small amount of light might be leaking into the room. It's a very small hole, it's not feasible to cover it up as the AC unit has to vent. This happened one night during this cycle, she simply forgot to shut off the laundry room light one night a few weeks ago. Won't ever happen again she promises.

Packed too tight, I need to give them more space and make sure every flowering location that is underneath the scrog screen I built is chopped off?

I failed to clean the room correctly after one of the bagseeds hermied last harvest? I sprayed down and wiped the walls and floor thoroughly with water mixed with H202 (29%). Maybe I missed a corner or some area when I cleaned?

The lemon skunk plant I cloned is actually hermie and I simply couldn't see it due to still having things packed way too tight in the room? I checked almost daily, but the damn skunk in far corner is just impossible to reach and inspect the areas under the canopy.

All I can do now is try to learn what I did wrong and pray it's just some of the lower flowers and none of the top flowers above the screen. Any advice/suggestions are much appreciated.


Active Member

Bananas are all over the purple shoreline's lower flowers. Looks like I'm gonna be making a lot of dry ice hash with these heavily seeded flowers on the lower branches.
bananas.jpg 1.jpgu.jpg

More work to do, took a day to chop off just the top branches of both shorelines.

I didn't find any bananas on the other shoreline so far. Haven't been able to get to the skunks yet. Disappointed at finding all the ceeds, hope to eliminate that aspect from the next grow. On the bright side, they look really nice to me, I dig the purple color and the aroma.

Going to flower both the shoreline clones despite finding bananas on one of them. I want to know for sure if it's genetic or it's something I have done to them. Will cut back to just 2 plants in flower, giving them more room, and try to watch them a lot closer.


Active Member
And about 9 weeks later, this is round 2 of the 1 shoreline clone. It's the the non hermie shoreline that had no bananas on it.

Pics of last night before chopping.

Shot of the largest flower in the center before trimming.

Will post pics of it trimmed and dry weight in a few days if anyone's interested.



Active Member
any more pics? how did the shorelines turn out and what was dry yield?
They turned out decent, but pollinated with ceeds everywhere from the other one being a hermie. Lots of dark colors, a piney smell to them, extremely pungent. Didn't have a scale at the time so sorry no weight.

These are much denser, they packed on a lot more weight due to not getting pollen in the room this time I would gather.


Active Member
Damn boort I need to get colas like yours and start scrogging. I'm pretty un content at my current node spacing.


Active Member
Thanks Dirf. I didn't scrog that last round, they vegged for at least 8 weeks and were way too big to fit into scrog screen when they went into the flower room. Shorelines turned out great after curing, finished up with about 8 of the 1/2 gallon mason jars filled with frosty purple buds. No ceeds for once (3rd harvest). Germinated 2 mataro blue beans a week ago, excited to see how those turn out.


Well-Known Member
1 of my 4 shorelines hermied too man! Could of been from led from my heater but my critical jacks are fine, hope i aint gonna find any more seeds now im on day 39 of flower and theres purple over the place


Well-Known Member
I've been reading a bunch about how shoreline "does not respond well to LST or pruning of the main stem".
Anybody have any experience with that or problems with them and stress?
I only have about 4 1/2- 5 feet max below lights so I guess I could bend em a little