#2- G.D.P,Purps,Purp Gas,Blueberry,Straw Cough,OG Purp,Pwr Kush,Pure Pwr,Grape Ape



Here is the start... This was taken a week or so ago.
I had 60 babies, all were rooted by yours truly.
This is my 2nd grow and since it is for personal use I am going with the variety of strains this time.
I figure the most successful strains I will grow again next time, and I will have clones of each plant.
I put the 60 babies in my closet under a digital 600 hps, that turns up & down, I put each plant in soil and in a Dixie cup with drain holes

The clone tray also has babies in it, all the purple strains...


I picked my favorite 18, I have 4 x 4 trays w/ 9 plants on each
I am going to let them get to a fairly big size, probally veg for 6-9 weeks!
I switched fo the GH 3 step I used in my first harvest. To a 1 step grow & bloom- Root Organics is the line I switched to.
I hav many other nutes I use in addition also
I stepped it up this time with a reverse osmosis system- to use with my new micro-organisms. I also have a 20# co2 tank this time. I am excited to see how these will affect my crop!!
Pics will come, when I get off work lol

Can you post videos here???


One tray has the clones that didn't veg with the rest, so they are a lot small
The tray with the larger plants has a 600w (v's 1000w above the other tray) and the 600 is raised up, turned down, and the largest plants got topped.
The little ones are catching up quick!

These both are about 1 week ago


Thank you, u just made me happy lol!
The worst is when you make a post... U get 100 views & 0 replys lol
Everyone feel free to reply, I would love comments or suggestions.
If I am doing something wrong and you can help me, do so. This one is completely open


Well-Known Member
going through it right now lol, my outdoors is gonna be crazy and nobody subscribed but its cool, more crazyness for me.


Well-Known Member
so far so gd,if yure growing in soil mix water on the 2 on yure moisture meter everytime will help tune it in or yu may already, does away with yellow colors,gd to use least amnt nutes required flushing every other with RO water or refillable jug water which is usually a 6 without adjusting, 30 to 40 % perilite in mix grows monsters.sub.


So most the plants are now 1-1/2 weeks
The larger ones were vegged a couple week before that though
I got the reverse osmosis system installed also a new air conditioner, I'm set now
They are doing awesome! The OG Purp & Grape Ape are towering over the rest, the OG is such a great looking and smelling plant already
My little babies are growing at at least 1/2" a day. I figure I have at least 5-6 more weeks of veg left and I hope they catch up, I am sure they will


Well-Known Member
before i installed my ac a few yrs ago my yields were to below avg for the frist 2 grows.all the other elements were there but high humid ,heat,temps always fluxuating,,, wen i installed the ac the garden took on a different color,lol,and yields have been avg to above avg depending on strin of course but somethin about that cool air sweepeing across those leaves is a real hard-on for a plant,lol,peace.


OK I have more pics for you who are reading or have subscribed, btw if you havnt subscribed, please do so. Thanks

Going back a little... Here are the babies I cloned & vegged in my closet

Look at the nice root system. Using Osmosis water & Humboldt MycoMadenss [microorganisms], also using olivia's for the clones, House &Garden Root Excell



The Official count is....

1 Og Purp
1 Purple Gas- (mendo purp X odyssey- HUUUGE PURP YIELDER)
1 Origonal Blue Berry
3 Granddaddy Purp
3 PURPS (aka humboldt purp)
2 Euphoria
1 Purp Power
2 Power Kush
2 Grape Ape
1 StrawBerry Cough (kyle kushman's strain)
1 Blue Cheese


I wanna brag about how I stepped up my set-up this time...

Got a window AC cooling it down now

I doubled my lights & plants, running a carbon filter now and 2 fans- 1 per light. 1600w hps now, but will be 2000w shortly

I have the CO2 running hanging off my lights now too

& the Reverse Osmosis, 5 stage filter system +DI filter for 0 ppm


still vegging... im about to switch the lights over to 12/12 soon because I am limited by height in my room.
They are looking real nice, really green & healthy.
The little ones caught up tho, just in time