2 Grow, Afghan Kush + Unknown Bag seeds...


Active Member
Hi, this is about 12 weeks in...

One of the plants is about a foot tall, its almost like a dwarf? lol It flowered about 3 weeks before the others..

Ive used garden wire and PVC string to tie and manipluate them in to shape after my big mistake last time of growing African Kwazulu and not tying them down until they were about a foot away from the ceiling!!

When I started I topped anything past the second internode and pegged them in to the soil so that they were a foot tall, yet were still under the rim of the pot.
I ran them around the outside of the perimeter until I switched them over and ran out of room laterally.

The Kush have only just started kicking out pistles in the last week, so I imagine the "dwarf" will be ready well before the others, that said its getting less light, so maybe itll slow down and be ready at the same time??

Decided that when its ready I might just use a bottle to water the "dwarf" instead of using the line feeder that are in all the pots??

Anyhow, let me know what ya think!!

Cheers in advance!




I accept with information:Ive used garden wire and PVC string to tie and manipluate them in to shape after my big mistake last time of growing African Kwazulu and not tying them down until they were about a foot away from the ceiling!!


Active Member
I accept with information:Ive used garden wire and PVC string to tie and manipluate them in to shape after my big mistake last time of growing African Kwazulu and not tying them down until they were about a foot away from the ceiling!!


They go crazy dont they!

What have you got on at the moment?


Active Member

The "dwarf" plant is nearly done..

But I havent got much off it..

Ive already cut two of the six stems, they didnt fill out.

Maybe they just weren't getting enough light..

They were sort of a random bagseed mess up when loads started growning in one pot with out me noticing, then I thought "we'll try it.. See what happens..."

But to no avail, oh well.. Ya win some ya loose some I guess..

[Ive only just realised Ive put this thread in the wrong place.. Apologies for that...]

Quite a nice smoke, if not very strong, sorta smelled a little lemony?!
Probably get no more than about a 1/4 off the rest of it.