2 Growers, 1 STRAIN...BLUE WIDOW dual grow.


Well-Known Member
wow that is pretty sweet. will you shoot me some pics when hey arrive? how long do you keep them before they go off to the pet store? how many does one have at a time?


Well-Known Member
they are lil monee makers dood, each f**k can have 2 batches (or wat is called in the repti world as a clutch) and each clutch can hav up to 40 eggs!! they sell for 100 EASY!! off cragslist too


Well-Known Member
i pulled 249 grams from her dry, she was my biggest little plant ive even see, a foot and a half of nothing but NUG every where, had that last pik for a while now.



Well-Known Member
very nice. i like the yield with that strain but i cant say i like the strain (phenotype i had),


Well-Known Member
i cant agree, my buddies were knockin at the door at 7 am sharp for the mass wake and bake and they had clinic danks! wat nutes were u using oon her?


Well-Known Member
yea my patients absolutely love it but to me it wasnt quite the one, ya know?

its probably the phenotype i got.

i use cns17.


Well-Known Member
Here's an update on my 2 BW's. I took 3 clones off the bigger more bas ass plant and put them in 12/12 2 days ago. I also decided to scrog them ontop of the lst that I have been doing. Hoping they will blow up here in the next week. Hoping I didnt put them in flower too soon as well.

My wide angle lens couldnt get them both in the picture, but here is one and a small part of the other.


Well-Known Member
sweet billy, keep em comin. ill watch em grow. is there two phenos there? or clones from same mom?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure, got them from a dispensary and I have come to relize that those guys generally dont know crap. The smaller of the 2 definitely has a smaller root structure. When I give them a gallon the smaller lets a lot of water drain though and the larger not a drop. They are branching out the same and everything looks the same. I would guess they are from the same mother.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, Started the BW's on 12/12 7 days ago as well as adding Tigerbloom and molasses to the nute cycle. I have decided to keep adding grow big to the nute cycle for another 2 weeks even though FF does not suggest it. When I do the math, everything screams out at me that its going to need the nitrogen during the stretch phase and about a week after. I also decide to scrap the scrog as I flush my soil every 2 weeks since I nute at full strength and It was making it a pain in the ass. BW1 is so dam small compared to BW2, so I took no clones from this plant this will be its last life cycle.

But..here are some pics.

BW2 starting to stretch i hope.

BW1 starting to stretch i hope.



Well-Known Member
BW's finally starting flowering yesterday after 9 days in flower. Thought I would post some pics even though it hasn't been a week since my last post since Im so dam stoked!
