2 KC-36 1 week old, whys one dying?


Well-Known Member
Hi got 2 kc-36 plants which are like 1 week and 2 days old and one has been in hydro but it went a yellowish colour so i put it ino soil, any i have posted pics of both below, one looks very healthy and the other looks fucked ....

Thank you, tech.



Active Member
IMO, both of these look fine, you don't really have anything to worry about.

Make sure not to overwater, keep the soil pH in check, and don't overnute - you should get some pretty good plants.
yeh that looks like your root zone having abit of trouble establishing. i had some seedlings similiar size outdoors which got rained on for 2 weeks straight and even though they had heeps of roots they perished in a similiar manar drooping and leaching of pigments from the leaves then they turn brown and wilt..
i suggest repotting in a soil mix that has lots of drainage.
Mix in maybe a little less then 1/3 perlite to dirt. you are aiming to achieve aeration of the root zone.
I grow in pure perlite for this you get huge fungal colonies around the roots becuase there is so much air/space and that fungi is what helps the plant take in nutes.

also go buy some good quality two part fetilisers you will notice the differance in colouration and thickness/glossyness of the leaves.


btw what does IMO mean?
imo= in my opinion....

plant looks fine... something stressed it a bit... but unless it gets a lot worse.... it should just get better =]

how often are you watering? only when the soil gets dry an inch down should you water again... just fyi...

good luck!
bro dont worry i dont know whats wrong with it but it looks like a minor problem i think it might be a certain nutrient imbalance try searching marijuana nutrient deficiencies