2 MPB (Medical Patient Buckets) in a 5x5 Tent


Well-Known Member
How would one go about setting this up? Any ideas would help. I will have 1400-1800Kw of vertical lighting to use. 1 1000Kw and 2 400Kw lights. I wanted to grow multiple plants but after alot of thinking I figured it would be better to go with just 2 big plants for the area. Rep to all that help. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about med patient -bins- as in doubled's? 5x5 isn't enough room for those kind of trees, one tree would fill it and leave no room for lights, and 1800w would be deadly hot for the plants in that small of an area.

I suggest you do 1k vertical open bulb in the center with the base of the bulb kept at plant top height, with a cylinder scrog around it using smaller containers and maybe 5 or so plants total, because you simply don't have room for huge doubled's size trees. You should be able to yield over 2lbs with a fat strain that way and just 1k. g13 or similar strain.

The way to do it is make a screen like from chicken wire however tall your space is minus a foot or so, that is a part circle for each bucket supported by two stakes in each bucket, and then train the plants into the screens, and when they are all put around the light they form a full circle. They need to be seperate like that so you can get in and move them to water and work on them. I preferred the fiberglass stakes that are thin because they dont take a lot of room or block much light

If your tent isn't very tall 5-6 gallon buckets each inside a drain bucket plumbed to all drain together and be pumped out simultaneously from an aux container worked best for me, so they didn't have to be moved around too much to get to them or water or drain or flush.

It depends on how hot your tent is as to the ideal growing diameter of the circle, but with a 1k open bulb vertical and limited to a 5' square tent you'll probaby have to keep the circle close to 3.5-4' diameter.

You could try the 1k pointing down over a 400 pointing up, both in the center if you can manage the heat.

If you weren't limited to the tent the next best option would be you could do 3 trees in a row with 1k vertical between two plants and both 400's vertical stacked on top of eachother between the other two.

plant 1k plant [400's stacked] plant


Well-Known Member
^ Wow. well put sir. I know i may have been a bit vague. The tent is '6.8" tall. Yeah I was not looking at growing huge trees in the tent but just nice size ones. So you are pretty much saying to do a vertical Scrog with the plants. The reason I was doing 2 nice size plants for the grow is bc I didnt order mutiple similar strains. I ordered 1 ak48, 2 crtical plus, 1 blue widow, 1 nl x bb, 1 ny 47, and a Master Kush auto. Some of them were freebies from Attitude May promo. So I dont know which ones have the same nute tolerance. Which of the strains you think will feed the same? I will have a chiller for the remote rez outside of the tent to keep the nutes nice and cold. :)


Well-Known Member
They will all do well on the same nutrients, they're all good heavy yielders and rather than pushing all to the max nutrient wise just give them all the least of them shows it likes. When any one starts to show any tiny indication of leaf tips burned it's too much, back down. None will starve or burn in any decent range, they'll all be fine.

Pick whichever 5 you want. If you have a few $$, set up a vertical cooltube in the center of the tent even if you have to DIY the cooltube out of several candle chimneys, then heat won't be an issue and you could run 1800w. You'll have a hell of a setup, nothing better.

Search on here for candle chimney cooltube, or just buy a couple if you can afford it.

I am familiar with all those strains except master kush, but they'll all grow ok in any decent nutrient range and if you are going to train them into a vertical cylinder scrog varying heights won't be an issue, you just train them all however you like to make them all as consistantly tall as possible. It's good you have a range of strains it will give you selection to see what works and yields best and what you like the taste strength and high of the best.

What type of oxygenation will you be using? DD used large air pumps, and high volume water pumps and that's important if you want those results even on a small scale do not skimp there, and that will for sure require a chiller so you'll be good to go. If you can't afford big air and water pumps there are ways to oxygenate well with only a good water pump. bio balls and waterfalls, it's called a degassing column. We have rarely seen them used but many of us have talked about how it would be ideal. Don't leave out dd's waterfalls even if using a big air pump, at least duplicate one big one, degassing is important. His degassing and oxygenation was all his water pumps and small waterfalls and all his long BIG pvc drain tubing with water surface area exposed to air, and the big waterfall going through the screen, but that could be all reduced with one degassing column with bio balls and no air pump as long as you had enough water flow. But having multiple sources of air and degassing and waterfals and pumping and stirring etc gives lots of redundancy and might be preferrabe that way... No comparisons have been done that I'm aware of as far as cutting out wasted overhead in his system if there is any.


Well-Known Member
Its funny you should mention bio balls because I use them all through my 200 gallon aquarium. They are in the overflow box and the trickle filter sump. The DO that thing makes is insane. You would swear it was a venturi pump in it. I seen one of those metal case hydroponic air pumps on craigslist for cheap. So I will just grab that. But I like your idea of the use of bio balls. For the lights I have a 18" wind tunnel fan that I was going to place under the bare bulbs. Plus a 400cfm exhaust to create negative pressure. My home usually stays cool.


Well-Known Member
Those cheap pumps are noisy and throw a lot of heat, just so you know. I have one, I also got a sweetwater later and the difference is huge. Strap some cooling fans on that baby at least and run it under your house or something so it's our of ear shot and fed and cooled with the coolest air possible. Or duct cool air from somewhere to feed it and shove it in a hushbox.

Sounds good either way will work, but without cooltubes I still doubt 1800w will work in there, guess you'll just have to fill it and run it to see how high the temps get. 400cfm isn't very large, but try it and see.

I really wanted to play with a grow with bio balls even as the medium, I think that would be sweet, but I had to get out of growing right before running a clone of dd's system with them.



Well-Known Member
Well I can get a bigger exhaust fan if need be. I would like to get some good negative pressure in that thing. Now I have bucket fulls of bio balls and that would save on having to buy hydrotron. Just imagin the root system. The bio balls would be killer. Now would I have to use 6"x6" rockwool cubes? As you can tell im really loving the bio balls idea.


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't have to, but it will give your little ones an easier chance to take root in the balls and provide a bit of safety. Bio balls have been used quite successfully by themselves in high pressure aero but that's a totally different animal.

I warn you though that with bio balls as media you will loose everthing quick in the event of a power failure or pump failure. There is no room for error, every root needs water to it regularly and not too much or too little so experimentation is in order. I had planned to use two large feed pumps redundant off a UPS to cover my ass.

I loved the idea of ridding myself of hydroton or lava and having 100% reusable media, so was always hot about bio balls even with their limits and looking at ways to do away with rockool too.

You might want to test just a couple plants with bio balls until you are sure you have it down successfully and have backup veggies ready to take the place of any failures in the learning curve. On thcfarmer you'll find discussions I started about bio balls a year or so ago, go see what people have accomplished with it since then, I have not followed progress over there at all.

To get rid of the rockwool part I had intended to just use tiny bio balls or whatever in a small net pot for seedlings and then put that into a larger netpot with big balls when the time came.

Theoretically it's golden, but that was just theoretical back then. I'm sure some have tried it though so go see what the results were and let me know.

Watch that you always have even water flow all over the roots and good air to them also and not too much water...

It will be fun to experiement and get there as long as you are prepared for some failure.