2 of 12 plants sagging.. unknown cause... any ideas??


Well-Known Member
so here is a picture of the entire grow...

the 2 sick second before last in both the center and right row...

you can see a little yellowing on a couple other plants from the 1/4 strength nutes.. they ran really low on nitrogen.. but are obviously coming back....

i dont think its over watering because the smaller plants of equal size are fine... so unless those 2 are just EXTREMELY water sensitive i dont think its a watering issue..

and as was said the first 5 days thus far of flowering have been 1/4 strength gro, micro, and bloom... so it wouldnt be nute burn or nute overload...

i am definitely cutting back to only a couple strains on the next grow just to avoid this issue..

but i still dont know what the issue is..

roots are fine... colored from the nutes and additives, but nothing i would consider abnormal.... they arent slimy or anything... so i dont think its wilt of any sort.. although i did consider it this morning...

maybe it just comes down to those 2 plants being the problem and thats it.. but i really would like more input... any ideas??

