2 outdoor grand daddy purple


Well-Known Member
I bought these 2 gdp clones at harborside in Oakland 19 days ago they have been in the ground for a couple days now here is a pic of them when they went into the ground.
I dug a hole the size of a 5 gallon bucket for each plant and filled it with a mix of the soil already there and miracle grow and alot of perlite.Any guesses on yeild?



Active Member
MG will be fine just dont use any other nutes for a couple months or ull get nute burn i have 8 GDP indoor and im expecting about 3/4-1 oz per plant u could expect out door to be one oz maybe more per plant. gdp not that high of a yield


Well-Known Member
couple of new pics today there doing good and its starting to warm up over here so i think there going to take off soon.Miracle grow is working fine so far. Let me know what you all think.



Well-Known Member
Hey there MMU.
Lookin good mate.
When i used to grow outdoors i would expect at least 10oz+ off my plants if i could get them to about 5ft.
I have grown 1lb+ plants outdoors though but these were 12ft.
If it's your start of summer and they are in full sun no reason why you shouldn't be looking at a lb from these 2 combined easy ;)
MG soil will be a lot more forgiving in the ground because the roots can escape into fresh soil.
If you can, loosen more of the soil with a garden fork at least 3ft around the plants.
For big ass outdoors i usually dig a massive hole 3'x2' deep minimum and back fill with loose ferted soil.

I'm looking forward to this grow mate.


Well-Known Member
They have about 8 weeks left to vegetate and then however long they need to flower for !
They should end up a pretty good size then mate.
Would have been bigger if you'd got them in a month ago but they'll still end up a good size with good yield I think.
Are you a month or so into summer there?


Well-Known Member
yeah i live like 5 hours away from fdd2blk.

Where i live people plant in april and may mostly, i had some ready for early may but they started flowering so i did those indoors and im getting a late outdoor start with these little clones!


Well-Known Member
update on the 2 and 4 more that i put outside and the following days after i put the new 4 in the ground temps were over 100 degrees so they got a little burnt but there fine and i got a few purple erkle/ urkel /urkle clones.

While posting this update and looking at the pics from 2 weeks ago i just realized how fast there starting to grow!



Well-Known Member
6 gdp (4 small ones and the 2 bigger ones) 1 bagseeds unknown sex 10 purple urkles.

This is a marijuana garden for 3 stoners I mean medical patients



Well-Known Member
The one in the 3rd pic is a bagseed and i think it might be a male so i dug it up and planted it in a 7 gallon pot so i can move it somewhere else so i can safely cross breed! It looks a little shocked today but it should make it. The root ball was pretty small i was surprised i could of planted it in a 2 gallon pot easily.

Mammath do you think that my bagseed looks indica or sativa? i think its at least hybrid i would like an indica male to cross with but ill cross it with whatever ive got and then with those seeds use a male to cross it again lol then im going to quit buying clones


Well-Known Member
I think it's definitely leaning toward the indy side of things.
Doesn't look to have much sativa in it at all.

When you take a plant from the ground to a pot there are many trace roots that get chopped in the process.
This will cause some shock but it will come good within a few days to a week.

Good idea to make your own seeds MMU ;)


Well-Known Member
I think it's definitely leaning toward the indy side of things.
Doesn't look to have much sativa in it at all.

When you take a plant from the ground to a pot there are many trace roots that get chopped in the process.
This will cause some shock but it will come good within a few days to a week.

Good idea to make your own seeds MMU ;)

Yeah cool i thought it looked indica or had indica in it also thanks

have you ever purposely pollinated a plant for seeds or will you ever?


Well-Known Member