2 Plant questions in one thread.

First up, i have noticed my leaves are doing this on only 2 plants, any idea as to why?

The leaves are folding up like tacos. Why is this and what can i do to fix it?

Now the second question is nute burn. Whats the best way to recovery? The tips of mine are yellow, last time I fed was like, a week ago, should I cut away the dead stuff? if so, do I take off the whole leaf or just the burnt sections? On one of the burnt ones the lower most leaves are solid yellow, is this going to be an issue? Thanks guys.


Are you giving them nutes through water feeding? In my opinion I would wait until they are a little bigger to start hitting them with nutrients that are to be mixed with water. Also, you may want to dry them out a little bit, I MADE my plants work to reach new water sources and MADE them hungry, I find Cannabis does very well with low work. Also what soil are you using?

I gave them nutes twice, then they burned and I stopped. Yes I realize I was a bit early to be feeding, but it was like 1/4 strength. For soil I am using this:

heres some more pics.

Anyways, I got some cal-mag on the way, but I still have some unanswered questions, should I feed the cal-mag to all the plants(only 3 were fed nutes)? Should I cut away the burnt parts of the leaves? Heres some better pics.

And this is one a plant that was NOT fed nutes. Just watered.



New Member
Get them out of those cups. feeding is fine does your sunshine have fertilizer in it? i used sunshine before but it wasnt rain forest. most of that stuff only has enough nutrients for three or four waterings. transplant and hold off on the calmag or epsom get it anyway u may need it later.