2 plants 2 different problems help


Active Member
Been a lurker on this site for years and i mean years had a account never posted, so this will be my first grown I'll do a proper intro later but right now i need some deficiency help can anybody tell me whats wrong

First plant was doing good idk why but i added some 4-4-4 down to earth fert to it seen nut burn setting in after 2 days so i flushed now it looks like this20200319_084457.jpg
My 2nd problem another healthy looking plant i transplanted while everything was great some roots broke 2 days ago and now it looks like this20200319_084440.jpgany help will be appreciated im growing in mother earth coco perlite l, dr earth 4-4-4fert(dry amendment) worm casting RH% 40-50 heat 68-78F last 2 days my heat has been to 81 degrees but nothing higher


Well-Known Member
That is classic nute burn. Should be fine. You did the right thing.
The broken root one should recover.
BTW your soil looks hella dry in broken root pic.


Active Member
I figured i over watered making it droop so i haven't given it anything in 24 hours was hoping i was correct I'll get it watered as soon as i can,if its only nutrient burn its a bixch but not to much of a problem thanks for answering


Well-Known Member
It was just transplanted into a 4-4-4 ewc mix with myco it should have everything it needs
Right on but it is a tiny plant and all those dry nutes need to be broken down and made available to the plant by the microbes and that takes time. I suggest getting a liquid veg nute and feed it about 150 ppm to give it a boost or else it will struggle for awhile band always be the runt to the other plants. If you have a big light on it keep the light raised up it doesnt need much