2 plants from one seed


first i would like to address germination methods. the seeds were placed directly into a medium, and germination was 10 out of 10. no soaking for a day, no paper towels. vermiculite, perlite, organic soil amendments, and soil made for germination mixture.
all seeds sprouted in under a week.
now here is my question.

one of the seeds came up with two plants originating from the same point. can i seperate this, should i wait until they are bigger? or just leave them like they are and let them grow together. they will have plenty of water to share, and since they came from the same seed, its like a tree with a fork in it (more or less)


Well-Known Member
I would say this would be impossible unless the seed had 2 embryos. I've never heard of this but it may well occur. In any case I would think it impossible to separate the two emergent shoots. I'd pick the healthiest shoot and clip the runt. Wierd

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
this is actually common with some breeder strains, like TGA for example. It is easiest to seperate them when they are young seedling fresh out of germ and then you will have twin plants. It's like getting a pre-clone of your plant.


Active Member
I had this happen. Both were girls. One flowered maybe three weeks behind the other. Bud was pretty good. The taller one was maybe 6 inches bigger