2 plants in one pot filled with soil - male removal


Hi everybody!

This is my first post and im gonna start it right away with a question.

I have two plants in one 11l pot filled with soil. They are about 1' tall and just sexed. It's a male and a female plant. I know it's dumb but i had only one pot left so i hoped for the best and now i got the worst :D

So my question is: Will the female plant die if i cut the male plant at the base ? Since they share the same rootmass and cutting one plant will cause the roots to rot i worry it won't work. But in real nature plants also share their rootmass and if one plant dies it doesn't affect the whole crop. I have mixed feelings about this case.

Hope someone can help me out with this problem.

PS: Pls don't mind my english. I'm no native english speaker.


Active Member
Your welcome. Also it's good to use that with water only once a week. Keeps roots healthy and white while eating dead root mass to create space for new roots and new growth.


Well-Known Member
i will say that was some decent advice.... use compost tea really though get a variety of microbes to eat the dead matter so its faster and even more so, less likely to strangle the females roots


Active Member
i will say that was some decent advice.... use compost tea really though get a variety of microbes to eat the dead matter so its faster and even more so, less likely to strangle the females roots
Okay mr. Know it all. Who are you to try to grade my advice that is very rude. If this he doesn't want to make teas the enzymes will do just fine.


hi polyarturus,

thx for your answer and your advice. But i must admit that i find it a bit complicated with compost tea. Never done it before. Nevertheless i can take it into consideration to try it in the future. Do you have any suggestions on what kind of compost tea? I also read that it supports good effects to the plants. But for now i was looking for an instant solution. Since i have cannazym at home i will try this first. Afterwards i can tell if it works or not. I thank you both for your help.


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody!

This is my first post and im gonna start it right away with a question.

I have two plants in one 11l pot filled with soil. They are about 1' tall and just sexed. It's a male and a female plant. I know it's dumb but i had only one pot left so i hoped for the best and now i got the worst :D

So my question is: Will the female plant die if i cut the male plant at the base ? Since they share the same rootmass and cutting one plant will cause the roots to rot i worry it won't work. But in real nature plants also share their rootmass and if one plant dies it doesn't affect the whole crop. I have mixed feelings about this case.

Hope someone can help me out with this problem.

PS: Pls don't mind my english. I'm no native english speaker.
You speak better English than some of the kids that go to school here in the U.S.


Well-Known Member
Okay mr. Know it all. Who are you to try to grade my advice that is very rude. If this he doesn't want to make teas the enzymes will do just fine.
hahaha what a fuckin tard. i give you a compliment and you become an ass lol. besides i graded your advice as good, thats a good thing, would you not like others to think well of you? now i think little of you. and as for him wanting to use compost tea or not thats up to him i was just throwing the idea out there, not like i said "use the compost tea or ill kill you!"

i may not know it all, but i know more than you, so that is enough for me.


Well-Known Member
hi polyarturus,

thx for your answer and your advice. But i must admit that i find it a bit complicated with compost tea. Never done it before. Nevertheless i can take it into consideration to try it in the future. Do you have any suggestions on what kind of compost tea? I also read that it supports good effects to the plants. But for now i was looking for an instant solution. Since i have cannazym at home i will try this first. Afterwards i can tell if it works or not. I thank you both for your help.

making compost tea is kinda like cooking there are sooooo many ways to go about it, you could make a very simple microbe dominant tea with enzymes, worm castings in a sock and some cornsyrup, this will really tear up the dead organic matter fast! wont have much of a nutritional value either too.... but if you just google AACT or look in the orgaincs section there is plenty of info on the topic.

i use in a 3gal tea
10ml enzymes
1ml miocrobe concentrate
3cc mycorrhizae spore
3tbs cornsyrup
1oz liquid seaweed extract(this and the cornsyrup could be exchanged with molasses only they basically only serve to feed the microbes and fungi)

in the sock
some hay about 3oz
6tbsp of worm castings
3tbsp of high n guano
1.5 tbsp of high p guano
.5 teaspoon of kelp meal
.5tsp of bone meal

and thats it right now i think :)


Well-Known Member
rabble rabble


Thx polyarcturus for the recipe,

so this tea will not raise nutritional value therefore my plants won't be overfertilized but it stimulates the microbacterial activity in soil. Do i have it right? I use Canna Terra professional and i know it is already fertilized i worry the wrong tea could easily overfertilize my soil.

I just searched google for AACT but unfortunately i got a whole bunch of sites that got nothing to do with organics. Well i rather take a look at the organics section here. What does AACT stand for so i know what im looking for.


Well-Known Member
First thought upon reading this thread title - well that'l learn ya! LOL

You clearly realise that too from your initial post. Hope it works out ok (and ta for the laugh) ;-)


First thought upon reading this thread title - well that'l learn ya! LOL

You clearly realise that too from your initial post. Hope it works out ok (and ta for the laugh)
This is the point where my english knowledge ends. For the last minutes i was trying to figure out what the punchline of your post is. I just don't get it, damn :D

What do you mean with "well that'l learn ya" ? and what does "ta" mean? Sorry for that dumb question :D


Well-Known Member
my bad bad man maybe aact wont yeild the results on google your looking for, try organic compost tea, i mean there are literally tons and tons of info on the subject.

yeah you can make a tea that wont raise the nutional value if you follow the ingredients i said in my 3 gal tea you plants will be fertilized as fuck, but if you only use microbes and fungi and some wormcastings you will be adding some nutritional value but not as much as if you where to use all the ingredients.


Well-Known Member
This is the point where my english knowledge ends. For the last minutes i was trying to figure out what the punchline of your post is. I just don't get it, damn :D

What do you mean with "well that'l learn ya" ? and what does "ta" mean? Sorry for that dumb question :D
gibberish, just ignore it. who knows what he meant? obvious from the condescending way that was written he was looking down at you. just forget about him and move on he thinks you learned a lesson cause you fucked up planting 2 plants together, but i dont think you fucked up, i think, shit happens and thats really all there is to it, they could have both been fem or both male, just the luck of the draw there are many advantages to growing 2 plants in the same pot but he just thinks you dummy for doing it, i think i could care less either way whether it was an accident or on purpose it really matter little because this could even happen to a "pro"