2 plants next to eachother(Help)

bongsmilieabout 4 days ago in the morning i planted 2 seeds next to eachother in one 1ft by 1ft hanging pot. it rained the night i put them in and it was sunny all the next day. i looked at them today and they both sprouted and are about an inch away from eachother at the stem. and both are about an inch high. one is a kush seed that i got out of a friends plant that he grew and one was a stress seed. i was wondering if there is a way to tell witch one is stress and witch one is kush? and also if it is possible to tell at an early stage so that if they are to close together i can kill the stress plant. should i try to split them apart? or will that stunt the plant? help im a new grower first time.


Well-Known Member
Split those plants apart now and put them in separate containers, otherwise their gonna be killing each other for space when their older. Stress? If thats a strain why would you want to kill 1 of your sprouts? You should have at least 2 plants so you hopefully get a female out of it. Where do you live? What season are you in right now? Don't overwater your seedlings, don't fertilize them yet, and give them tons of room to grow and sunlight.
Im living in california. plants grew about an inch today. its been very hot in the day time and i leave them in a 3 gallon hanging pot in the middle of a chain link fence in my back yard. luckaly i have no nieghbors but they are right out in the sun they get sun all day. they are about half an inch away from eachother im scared to split them up any suggestions or links to videos on how to do it? Thanks for posts by the way


Active Member
Im living in california. plants grew about an inch today. its been very hot in the day time and i leave them in a 3 gallon hanging pot in the middle of a chain link fence in my back yard. luckaly i have no nieghbors but they are right out in the sun they get sun all day. they are about half an inch away from eachother im scared to split them up any suggestions or links to videos on how to do it? Thanks for posts by the way

If you have enuff soil . Id say over 8 gallon to 10 gallon container u can grow them together just train them away from each other and tie to the ground. If u seperate dont pull it up cause it will stunt growth . Get a butter knife and gentlty cut a square around plants and dig up.
i just put pictures up of the plant. today i made a grow box with 2 20w eco friendly lights and a 20w 12v desk lamp thats flexible that i put over it. is that enough light for when it gets dark. im planing on putting them outside in the hot sun and then when it gets dark putting them in the growbox. is that a good idea? please help pics of the grow box will be up soon


Well-Known Member
i just put pictures up of the plant. today i made a grow box with 2 20w eco friendly lights and a 20w 12v desk lamp thats flexible that i put over it. is that enough light for when it gets dark. im planing on putting them outside in the hot sun and then when it gets dark putting them in the growbox. is that a good idea? please help pics of the grow box will be up soon
Yeah that will be enough light to keep them in Veg. Remember try and have them get about 18 hours of light a day. To split your plants dig up a good size amount of dirt with your seedling then start breaking the soil away from your roots, The roots shouldn't be to sophisticated yet and pretty easy to separate the plants. Put them in separate containers with soil that doesn't have fertazlizers in it, and burry the seedlings a little higher on the stem then when you dug them up for support.

Tell us how it goes.
New picture of my makeshift grow box! help me make it better any suggestions on addons and im in the process of making a real wood box so help!
Ok im tempted i want to split them up once i get out of court today but im completely scared to. they have grown about another half inch and are turning a nice green and the leafs are getting alot bigger. just moved them outside so the sunlight just starting to come out can begin hitting them. and then once its getting dark right back in the grow box. imma dig them up and start braking off the dirt little buy little. wish me luck!
ok is split them up. ugh im mad one completely died i hope it wasnt the chronic seed. i put the plant. witch is the smaller one in the pic's in a better pot. and made a grow box out of ply wood and dug a frame on the floor outside of my windo so the dirt holds the boards togethr making a perfect box and i added acouple screws. i put the plant under a 60w light bulb and a 56w light bulb and the light is about 1 foot and a half away from the plants and its pretty hot in the box. in the day time tmorrow im going to add alluminum foil around the box and put in about 20 Arizona stress seeds all in there own little cups. i got them from some gay ass tweaker connect(DONT DO TWEAK!) . hes wack but fuck it lol. so any tips on my grow box? and i have a computer fan with a red and blue wire how do i hook it up to a power supply for ventalation?


Well-Known Member
im a noob to but i know what stress is. look at my grow journal, there from stress seeds. the kush will probably be more indica and have fat leaves and the stress will be more sativa like my plants. anyways good luck on keepin them alive till spring.