2 plants same age different locations why is one growing better


Well-Known Member
how do i up the ph of the water?
first you need to figure out what you have available to up the ph

is there a hydro store near you where you can get some ph up or some potassium silicate aka silica aka silica blast

normally you can use lime except itll take several weeks to have any effect (cooking soil)so you really need something that's quick

you can use ph up or silica blast or both

adjust the ph of the water by adding a dose of the ph up until the ph is close to 8.0

then water it in heavy

then next time you water ph up to 7.5

and then 7.0 from that point forward

I wouldn't use silica blast on the regular thou.. for regular/daily ph adjustment use the ph up
otherwise you could end up with too much K


Well-Known Member
Went to the store got the ph up and bumped the water to 8 and gave it the flora nova fingers crossed lol
itll take a couple days so don't mico manage it

id water it with the flora nova every other watering but honestly you should be using flora grow during veg as eventually youll end up light on N using the bloom nutes during veg

next time water with ph 7.5 and test the run off from the bottom just for shits and giggles

if your above ph 6.5 then water with ph 7.0 for a while

next watering use plain water plus Epsom salt 1/4 tsp per gallon