2 plants


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, gonna be limited on space, can u grow 2 plants in a 5 galon bucket?? or will that be unhealthy for plants..


Well-Known Member
I agree, if you raise two plants in the same pot then the roots will get tangled and end up fighting over nutrients.
Bad idea? YES. Will they grow? Probably but you're better of with 2 smaller containers. Think of it like siamese (sp) twins. One is always more healthy and is supporting the other. They sell square pots at most hydro supply stores, other places too i'm sure, but you could fit 4 of those in the footprint of a 5 gallon bucket and do a small SOG. Little pots can do more than some think. Plus you can always c ut the bottom out of one and stack it on top of another (filled w/ soil, of course)


Well-Known Member
Its a trellising method where u work the tops thru s network of openings in what is a usually 6" x 6" mesh of square openings, that will make for a more evenly distributed canopy, maximizing what space u have, under the lighting that u have... It's an abbreviation for Sea of Green...


Active Member
Its a trellising method where u work the tops thru s network of openings in what is a usually 6" x 6" mesh of square openings, that will make for a more evenly distributed canopy, maximizing what space u have, under the lighting that u have... It's an abbreviation for Sea of Green...
you just described SCROG


Well-Known Member
if both are def females you may plant 2 together. it is done with lanky sativa clones. they pretty much become one plant. commercial growers do it.


Well-Known Member
They still both r there to maximize yields, tho-right? Thatz what I meant by same "concept"... Dude needs to make the most out of his two plants, no matter which way he goes, whether he just FIMs once or twice, or Super Crops, or whatever, right?


Well-Known Member
I have done SOG and ScrOG, and I don't think they r THAT alien from each other... like I said, it's still totally the same concept, minus the individual attention u might give in SOG to each plant in tying down branches, and setting up an anchoring system...using bamboo stakes... Whatever means to even out the canopy, and maximize production, thatz what it is all about...