2 QUESTIONs,clones


Well-Known Member
what is this on the leaves of my clones,it starts after a few days when i remove them from the dome,wile they are under the dome there fine,some get more affected some less,its not cousing any major problems for now but i dont whant to ignore it and turn out to be a problem



Well-Known Member
this is a clone from one of my white russian plants thats now flowering and its looking real good,so i was thinking of keeping it for a mother plant,the original plant had shown sex real early and had like little flowers forming wile still under 18/6 cool white cfl's,now the clone has the same small flowers,is this a sign that she started flowering wile still in veg. or just genetical,she was 5 weeks old when i put her to flower



Well-Known Member
could be burn or just recoupeing from being cloned. those little buds your talking about are preflowers showing you that the plant is ready to flower


Well-Known Member
no its a sign that they are not able to obsorb the proper balance of anything and dieing. But they always end up growing roots at the last minute and then they take off. a little yelowing is norn. give them a very very mild nute solution in there water once in a while or mist them with it