2 Rooms +2 400 + 1 1000 + 1 light rail = many choices I need the pros input

Charter just came to tell me my new 600 quantem digital ballest messed the system up for miles. Wow what to do. I have been running the 1000 watt regular ballest and a 600 digital . they came saying they traced the problem here i unpluged the 600 and its gone.
Oh yeah its a small town not to many internet providers what to do what to do? It is in my flower room. In my veg room i have 3 cinder block walls. Two with dirt behind them do you think it would be a good idea to try this. Also he said if i plug it in again they will cut my service. I will call before i do .


Well-Known Member
Charter just came to tell me my new 600 quantem digital ballest messed the system up for miles. Wow what to do. I have been running the 1000 watt regular ballest and a 600 digital . they came saying they traced the problem here i unpluged the 600 and its gone.
lol thats insane! so your 600 ballast brought every ones internet down? and they were able to trace it to your house? that's to high of a risk to use if true, buy a magnetic ballast.
HAHAHAHA I was on the phone with them pluged it in it was fine then my tv went fuzzy look out they disconected me lol. The nerve of them i told you call if the problem was there.NO they just unplugged it. They plugged it in after i told him i talked with them and they said no problem. Im going magnetic i guess.LOL


Well-Known Member
That is incredibly odd. I would talk to tech service at the ballast company. My cable Internet line runs through my flower room with 4k watts and I have no issues. PLUS, those 8 600 ballasts are about 4 feet away from a 18", 1000 watt home theater sub and nor one bit of hummm.
They fixed it. I love the light ballest reflector combo , so do the plants. I was wondering if i took my air cooled intake from outside the room , hooked it to the light but left the one going out not hooked up but 2 feet away from fan with my 1000 watt batwing being aircooled aswell. that is untill i get the rest of the lights and aircool them right.


Well-Known Member
Tip from the pros... Light movers suck fat balls... I had 2 1000w on a 6 foot track they still sucked... Get raptor hoods or bigfoots instead. The constant intensity does way better.
I was thinking 6 600 watters stationary like recommended.If i fell they need more side light I was thinking 75, 150, or 250 watt mhs vertically hung throughout the room.
For now will put my 400 watt on a light rail for the veg room moving 3 feet and pausing 60 seconds Untill i buy a 16 light quantem t5 or another quantem 600 watter (recommendations welcome).