2 seedlings 1 cup - what is the optimal time to separate?


Well-Known Member
so yeah by mistake i put to of them together to germinate. they are dear to me. should I remove them now when they are 1.5 days old (but have fully germed), or wait for when they are older?

on one hand it's harder to separate the roots when they have tangled up, in a while, but on the other hand, handling the roots now, when the plants are so young will usually stunt them and even kill them.

So when do you think is the optimal time to separate?


Well-Known Member
Move em now before they get too entangled. They should still be small enough to handle gently without damaging any root growth.


Active Member
ditto i would say move now before they get all tangled up cuz ur just gonna rip em apart when they get older


Well-Known Member
if they get tangled, they might be ripped when trying to separate. unless it's done with water, but even then it could be hard if they have really rooted well. I guess the guys are right - I should move one of them pronto.

ive just let them grow together before, it seems to become the same plant, but with twice the mass since it is two plants
id give them a lil longer tha n2 days, they really havent rooted that much if u jus germinated. id wait til theyre a little bigger and more stable, because of the transplant shock


Well-Known Member
I always germinate more than needed so I'll put 2 or 3 in the same cup then if yo lose
any babies yo just transplant'em in the other cup or let'em go see which one is the best
and just jank the other one out. The soon you separate'em the easier it'll be the bigger
they git the more the roots will be tangle up and more of a chance to hurt while transplanting~


Well-Known Member
results: the plant was removed as gently as possible from the medium and replanted in a similar medium. Both plants died shortly after.
Conclusion: Better to just let them grow.

Thanks everyone who tried to help.