2 seedlings with some minor issues


Well-Known Member
I have 2 feminized seedlings. One white widow and the other blueberry gum.
I started both at the same time.
White widow was doing better than the blueberry gum at first and now the blueberry gum looks a lot better than the widow. The widow has yellowing new growth and brown tips. The blueberry looks good but has yellowing new growth. Let me know is you can help.
This is a hydro above refrigerator ghetto grow. Fluorescent lighting. May be a little hot. The PH has been checked regularly with some imbalances here and there.

Side notes: Is it really bad if there is some light getting in the reservoir? (i have a cardboard top with plastic wrap over it on top, i know its very ghetto)
Does this grow setup look at all like a fire hazard??... I am about to leave for a week tomorrow!

Please respond asap Thanks!



bud bootlegger
not to bust your balls op, but it's just got me wondering.. why on earth would you just start a grow then plan to be away from it for a week at a time?? it would be a lil different, not much though, if your plants were a bit older and didn't need such attention all of the time, but leaving plants that young all alone for a week is never a really good idea imo..
and it would also be a different story once again if you were doing a simple soil grow, i'd feel a lil better about telling you it would be fine to leave them alone for a week, but being a hydro grow with such young plants, just sounds like you're asking for some major complications for sure..


Active Member
The top of your refrigerator will get quite warm, so I would suggest finding a better place for these young ladies. You don't want the reservoir getting too warm as you'll quite possibly cook the roots and invite algae growth, especially if you've got light leaks. If you must leave them for a week, make sure you back the lights off a little. Don't keep them too close without supervision as you might burn the little guys or worse even, start a fire.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
you don't give much info. what's your ph? what strength (ppm) are you using? whats the water temps. in your rez? you have a air line blowing bubbles in your rez? the yellowing looks kinda like a nitrogen def. i've grown blueberry before, and they are mid strength feeders. i haven't grown the widow before, but i think i've read they're heavy feeders. growing 2 diff. strains like you are can cause problems if they like diff. feed strengths.


Well-Known Member
This week away wasn't planned and they were doing well before. Also the grow setup i have right now will be transformed soon to a portable closet grow. PH around 6.5. There were bubbles on top of the reservoir today what does that mean?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
This week away wasn't planned and they were doing well before. Also the grow setup i have right now will be transformed soon to a portable closet grow. PH around 6.5. There were bubbles on top of the reservoir today what does that mean?
in hydro optimal ph is 5.8. 6.5 is for soil...


Well-Known Member
thanks i will lower PH.

Heres an update. Its looking worse. Blueberry tips curling under a little. Whole plant looking a bit yellow. White widow brown areas spreading. Stunted growth.

I am leaving tomorrow morning. Any last minute info would be greatly appreciated.

Also does this grow setup (the dry-wool in the water and stuff) look retarded or no?

