2 strains one is looking fucked up but one is mint


Active Member
Okay so I have 2 gorilla glues autos that are going great but my blue berry head band is going bad what is this on her leaves she’s an auto aswell but from a different suppler would love some help thanks ! 72C8E6FF-3E89-4720-AD7B-6E39C465E0D7.jpeg



Well-Known Member
How abouts can I fix this Silentvirtue ? Thank you
Are you running a PK booster or a source of PK? If not I suggest you add that. Potassium deficiencies are common during flower.

Various options are avaliable from loads of manufactures just depends on what your growing in and if your organic or not.
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Well-Known Member
What medium are you growing in? What nutrients are you using, and how much? What is the pH of your water/nutrient mix you're giving the plants?


Well-Known Member

Dead tissue in the margins while the veins stay green.

Shaddowsfall did you notice if the problem started on the bottom leaves then worked up the plant or is it more pronounced in the top leaves?



Well-Known Member
Ive had this problem before a few months ago in veg.

Assuming ur pH is on point. Its either calcium or magnesium.
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Well-Known Member
Ive had this problem before a few months ago in veg.

Assuming ur pH is on point. Its either calcium or magnesium.
Agree here in early veg but flower really.....Calmag demands drop. However it's early flower so you could be right as they are both immobile and would explain top foliage being affected.

However potassium def also shows up signs of nute burn and calcium problems. It doesn't always start at the bottom. It also causes leaves to become long and thin on new growth with deformation.

To refer to spek9s comment a nute breakdown PH and TDS would be beneficial here along with medium type and mix up. It could be locking out over lack of something being added.


Active Member
Thanks guys yeah i can’t really tell because when I LST them everything was flat but I’m pretty sure it started from the top all my ladies are sitting in the same soil start off with Ocean forest Then I late veg and flower in happy frog soil
Nutritions wise I go super light
Soon as I get a set of 4 nice strong fan leaves I start feeding I keep my ph at 6.5 and in flower I have it around 6.7 then when I flush I have it around 6.5 or 6.6 using 0ppm water
Thanks again Hobbes always saving the day you guys rocks ! All the help I can get is much appreciated 840E8404-90B9-43C1-B43C-CCB34A230CC5.png



Active Member
% not buying from emerald triangle seeds anymore these growers choose seeds are fantastic Father’s Day my girl got me like almost every pheno on there site the gorilla glue has been my best one so far
Thanks a lot for sharing.

Although this doesn't look like a potassium deficiency. Not calcium like others are saying. It doesn't resemble any specific deficiency actually.

If PH is doing alright (are you checking pH of the run off as well??) there might be a problem with nutrient lockout because of excess salts in the roots, or some other kind of stress problem (temperature, humidity, watering, bad transplants)