2 VERY Important Noob Questions


Well-Known Member
I transplanted my baby and she's looking good. About a 3 Gallon Planter.

Here are some pics of the soil I ended up using and some pesticide to get rid of the bug problem. I clipped all the damaged leaves.

The spray has .02% of Pyrethrins - I'm pretty sure that's safe stuff to take em out

The soil has .21% nitrogen, .07 phosphate, 0.14 potash (K?) I gave it a nice amount of natural spring water after the transplant.

Is this Garden Safe Houseplant & Garden Insect Killer safe for her? The Miracle Gro mix won't harm my plant? (Dirt seemed really nice)



Well-Known Member
A lot of people knock miracle grow because you dont have total controll of your plants nutes. I however really cant weigh in on this for i grow in hydro

What kind of bugs did you have?


Well-Known Member
first of all MG sucks i burned the fuck out of my WW plants with it "was still a brand new grower" waste of 80$ Flush the Soil or buy new Soil Fox Farm Ocean Soil or i use StaGreen found at lowes, Home Depot Garden Section as for the bugs look under the leafs might have spider mites which are hard as hell to get rid of.


Well-Known Member
where can i get fox farm? the nursery nor wal mart had it...I didn't check lowes though...help!


Well-Known Member
neither places carry it you have to go to a specialty store or buy it online...

You can make your own soil i have seen people do that


Well-Known Member
I think im gonna stick with the Miracle Gro for now...plant seems like its doin really good so I'll risk it.

As for feeding my plant..how do I go about this? Egg whites? Banannas?


Well-Known Member
see there is the problem you have food in your soil so you really dont know the amounts of npk yeah it has it on the label but that is what is there now but who knows next week or month and so on


Well-Known Member
I just want to know if this MG Extended Release 3 Month Nute soil is going to harm my plant and if I should get new dirt.

If I SHOULD get new dirt, what should I try to get my hands on? I dont think I'm going to be able to find FoxFarm or any elite dirt like that.


Well-Known Member
I live out in a rural place. I was able to get some good organic soil from a local nursery - all that's in it is nice fluffy dirt & pearlite. Home Depot has some organic soils and I'd suspect that Lowe's does too. If you can't get to a "fancy" store (I can't either) to get FF, do what I did - get some good organic soil (mine was $3 for a 1 cubic yard bag - cheap!) and mix in extra pearlite so your roots will have plenty of room. When I've gotten soil that seemed too dense, I just added pearlite and seed starter mix to keep it fluffy for those roots. Just be careful with the seed starters - sometimes they have nutes, sometimes not.

I also think that some people don't like MG soils because they do have the moisture control stuff in them (polymers) which suck up and slowly release the moisture. Depending on what your plants are in, it may be a benefit or not to have such polymers. Cannabis likes to dry out a little between waterings, so you just have to be careful about not overwatering when you've got that stuff in your soil.

All that said, after I transplant my plants into my home brew mix of soil, I let them get used to it for a few days and then I put some compost on the top of the soil and work it in just a little - mine is very rich compost, so I know that if I put it in the soil it would burn the roots/plant.

Since the nutes in your MG soil are time release, you should be able to tell how much time you've got left on the nutes - but if in doubt, I'd say get "plain" soil and add nutes later - try to get into a situation where you can add them at will.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks joe - I actually went out today to Lowes and Home Depot..even my local nursey to try and find better soil.

The best I could find was MG Organic Choice - no nutes added all natural. That cost me 5$. Then I went back to the nursery and bought a huge bag of perlite for 10$ :(...all they had. But I mixed them up and transplanted my baby. I did about 60% potting mix 40% perlite.

Here is the soil I got...


Well-Known Member
do what u want its your garden when your plants have nute burn all over dont say i didnt warn you. for fox farm soil need to either buy it online or go to a hydroponic store near you
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
yes sta green has my plants doing very well released nitrogen and plant food already in it in that soil unless you flush it for complete control of your plants and what and how they get the stuff they need to become adults fuck MG Soil that is good for flowers etc.
here are my plants well one of them