2 week old plant need help


New Member
hi im new to the site and new to growing and well i guess this is how i start off by saying my plant is only 2 weeks 3 days old and i started seeing yellowing on her im using 2 23watt cfl lights and a fan in my grow box i stopped using nutes when i seen this cuz i thought it was them but it keeps going but there is slow release nutes in the soil as u can prob see in the pic

weed every day 2.jpgweed week 2 day 3.jpgweed plant yellow leaves.jpg

its my first grow so i kinda know ill make mistakes but i want her to be ok can someone please help me and im low on money so thats a problem ... and these are the nutes i was using ....


if i could again get some help on my firat grow it would be amazing thank you in advance. and stay high my friends...


Well-Known Member
It looks really good honestly, Those cfls can be really close like within inches because they stay really cool and arnt much power.


New Member
alright well thanks im glad she does and yea thats why i chose to use cfls cheap and a bit better in some cases and thanks for taking the time to give me some info


Good start for a first timer,keep up the good work. I would stay away from the Miracle grow nutes, I am not going to recommend any nutes but there is plenty of info in the forums to help you decide. Everybody has their own preference to what nutes are good and bad. you will need to upgrade your lights also. "just my thought"


New Member
thank you for that im trying my best and the MG was chrap and high ratios so i thought it would help but i dont think it is. so what are you saying dont use nutes at all? like thos ones i have?


New Member
UPDATE plant seemed to be yellowing but now its getting better and greener and taller im wanting it to be small and bushy because of the place i grow in that room is pretty much where i want her to stay all her life
so what could really help me with this i hear keeping her in a smaller pot keeps them small and ive started lsting my plant think i might fim it to good idea or no please let me know..


New Member
weed 2weeks 3days improving.jpgweed 2weeks 3days tall.jpg
heres my baby she seems to be getting better but i dont know what about you guys hows she looking for 2weeks 3 days and for a noob


Not everything is about High Ratios to make big grows with nutes, my clone nutrient is 1-0.4-1 for grow its 3-1-5 and for Bloom its 3-26 but keep in mind I run a NFT system. let it reach 12" to 18" then I would top it off and used it for a clone. But what ever you do let it get bigger I would say,,,


New Member
im looking for more of a smaller bushy plant and right now all i have is that stuff and thats prob all i can get because im broke and i dont want her to die i wish i new what to do. and what do u think i should get so i dont have to really add nutes to my plant like soil and fertz and stuff but it only goes in soil so i dont have to do this nutes in the water thing id find that easier but it has to be cheap and organic


Well-Known Member
I'm doing my first real grow right now and I'm 3.5 weeks in under CFL's and i am LSTing mine. She seems to be responding very well to bigger pot. Here she is in her final pot that's 10"x10" soil only no nutes.



New Member
UPDATE: good morning everyone i woke up this morning thinking my girl would be getting worse by yellowing but nope the yellowing has stopped and its healing and getting colour back i want to know how to pinch my plant or fim it becase like i said before im going for more of a small bushy plant well here are the pics from today.
weed week 2 day 4 improving.jpgweed week 2 day 4 tell.jpg


New Member
Looks good man. Surprised on how its going since you used MG. She is a cutie. :D
thank you yea shes pulling through and im not using anything but 1/4 of the strength because its small but i shouldnt have put it in at all lol but shes pulling though and im happy lets hope it stays this way.


New Member
UPDATE: good morning guys this is an update on my little baby plant
im so happy shes looking so much better and greener too i pinched her yesterday and she seems fine no yelowing or anything by the leafs so i know i didnt mess up well yet anyways lol im going to rise the nutes 1/4 strength next sunday this sunday shes going on a 18/6 light cycle so if you got any questions or any comments please dont be afraid of sending me them

weed week 2 day 5.jpg