2 week old seedlings


After reading around, I'm under the impression that 2 week old seedlings should be a little more developed than these. The strain is good old bagseed.

Using a 18/24 light schedule with a 250w HPS 4 feet away. They're usually in a propagator dome, but I'm not really measuring humidity or temp. Soaked the rockwool in plain tap water (not PH checked). I did add some Bioplus root stimulant, 1ml into a pint (660ml) jar as per the instructions. The medium dried out a bit so about 3 days ago I dripped around 5ml of the solution into each cube to remoisturise.

The pic might not be too clear, but the rounded leaves have been yellow and shriviled for about a week. Also two if them have the jagged leaves pointing upwards, as if to protect the new stem from the light (?). And one of them has browned tips.

I check each day, but the roots haven't grown out of the rockwool yet.

Am I doing it wrong?



Active Member
Yeah they should be further along for sure.

You can check my sig to see how mine were at 2 weeks. They are coming up to week 3 now but it will give
you an idea though.


Well-Known Member
Try turning off the HPS and us some CFL's in the early stages.

The HPS might be to much for them at this point. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Dont give them any nutrients at all, they are too young to handle it. Make sure you dont
keep the roots wet all the time either. Give it time to dry out before watering again..

Im new at this too, but those are good places to start for now.


Well-Known Member
do you have drainage in your containers? the roots might be getting to much water. if you dont have drainage your gonna get root rot. roots need oxygen. whats the ph oh your water should be about 6.0 to 6.5. something is definatly wrong because those plants look about 2 days old not 2 weeks. take the humidity dome off ande lower your lights to at least 2 feet maybe even a foot away if your temps are good


Active Member
i had the same problem and guess what it was.... lighting and temperature. im pretty sure those will die unfortunately, i had 3 die on me before i figured it out. so i'd say lower the lights to about 2 inches away. im using 23 watt lights btw. you can follow my grow too if you wish.


A belated thanks for the replies.

So yeah, they died. All things considered, I think it was too high a PH. The leaves were pointing upwards which I understand indicates high PH. Oh well, you live and learn. I started a new grow and with properly PH'd water, they're more healthy at the same age as theses old ones.

To answer some of your questions:

The CDs I was just going to leave. The holes are big enough for the main stem as I wasn't going to grow them too big. They were put in so that the lower buds would get a bit more light, along with some pruning.

I had good drainage, the plastic cups have a hole at the bottom and I sat them on top of a groove in the prop box. Any excess water would have come out of the bottom for sure.

As for lowering the lights, I'm using a 250W HPS so I'm reluctant to move them much closer at this early stage. Don't really want them to fry.