2 week old seedlings

Hello I have 2 plants that haven't hardly grown at all the last few days.....had them under 4 26 w cfls up until Fri aftn I bought a ballast and MH 400 w bulb with a dimming feature so I started them at 250 to get them used to the new light...now they are getting yellow tips and have beginings of 2 nd leaves Would 400 w be too much at this point and how about starting a 20-20-20 at a low dose? They are on a 20-4 schedule and have lots of ventilation but am concerned as the a/c is on but keeping temps at about 80.....the lights seem to really warm up the grow box and struggle to keep it below 80.....any help wud be appreciated. They are med mj and hybrid's.TY again!!:sad:


hey there,
Im no expert but I would imagine that the 400w light may be a bit much for the seedlings.
it messes up the chlorophyll in the leaves when there's to much light causing discolour, papery leaves etc.
You might be better to go back to CFLs till the plant is more ready for the 400w (:
give your baby a mist on a hourly basis and just using CFLs you should see a improvement.

Good luck!

Yeah I was thinking that as well....they seemed so much healtyier and greener under the cfl's....I guess I can save the MH for later on got a wee bit to enthuastic....so easy to do this is my first "legal" grow and I have had more issues than before I got educated on all this....also bought a digital ph meter on e-bay ystdy should be here in 3 bus days.....thanks for getting back to me....peace!!


im on my first grow aswell man, and iv had my fair share of problems i tell ya.
happy blazing

Well it's day later and they are looking a small amount better....thought I may need to water today but checked on them and their ok for another day...just wish the dang 2nd true leaves wud open!! I feel that once I get past this stage it'll be a breeze....lol Good luck to you as well, my friend!!


Well-Known Member
At two weeks I put mine under a 1k set at 50 percent. The light is at least 30 inches away as to not burn. With that said seedlings grow up after they begin to root to the end and bottom of the pot. In a solo cup they will quickly reach the ends and then the plant grows upward. If you plant in a one gallon or larger pot they will be shorter until the roots are done getting to the ends of the grow pot. If they look healthy, ie green, dont worry just let them do what they need to do.

Also what type of soil are you in, at two weeks mine are under the 1k but still in solo cups in seedling soil, which has no nutes in it, I let them sit until the roots start to come out of the bottom of the solo cup than I put in their normal pot with Happy Frog Soil and that is their first exp with nutes but the root structure can handle the dist.


Gah im going through the same thing, waiting for the second set of leaves :( seems to be taking ages but its just cause i check my seedlings every 10 minutes :-o aslong as they don't get worse thats the main thing right!
