2 Week Update: RDWC First time Grow - Closet 4' x 4' - FEEDBACK??

First off: Check out my older posts ---> https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/525392-need-help-rdwc-grow-problems.html


These first 3 are master kush. They have made some major improvements since cleaning the system. They don't look like they are 2 weeks, but they went through some stress and seem to be recovering quite nicely.


This is the aurora. She had some major problems on the first set of true leaves, but has clearly rebounded. The stem is longer than the other 3, but that's because she was propagated first and for too long. BUT, she is definitely recovering and the new growth looks good.

Feedback? ;-)
Did you check the first link? It's at the beginning of this thread post. Click that and read through to see the progress. Thanks for the feedback mate.


Well-Known Member
Well what do you want, You had problems, you fixed them, the plants are recovering... well the only thing I can say is - Good job :D