2 weeks flowering and dying!!!


Active Member
i have a female plant 2 weeks 1 day into flowering.
leaves are turning yellow from bottom to top so far 6 large fan leaves have been affected at the bottom. also brown spots are appearing on the yellow leaves.
you may not be able to tell cause my camera is bad but the leaves are a pale yelllow, but the very ends have some light green on them.

possibly helpful information.
plant started flowering on 9-29-10
transplanted plant into a larger pot 3 days into flower, right before this occured.
when transplanting i realized plant was badly rootbound so i broke the roots up very good,maybe too much. using 400 watt hps, about 12 inches from top of plant. i believe it may be plant moisture stress.
growth doesnt seem to be slowed. as i put a bud pic in there so you could see its progress after 2 weeks 1 day. i have been using miracle grow bloom booster 5-15-7.
watering with tap water and MG at double strength, althouh ive done this with many previous grows, never a problem.
i have some soil bugs, (ear dawber?), stinkbugs, gnats and a fly every few days, (probly from the open window)
average room temps are 80*F but directly under the hps is much warmer, almost too hot. ive seen heavy root growth in the past 2 days as they popout of the soil a little, then i re-bury them.

any questions or suggestions are appreciated. please help me. this has been going on for about a week, and in the past few days it has gotten to the point where i panic.

happy smoking,



Active Member
could this be plant moisture stress? i saw uncle bens thread, but i am very bad at determining and diagnosing problems and solutions.

mr stoner

i have a female plant 2 weeks 1 day into flowering.
leaves are turning yellow from bottom to top so far 6 large fan leaves have been affected at the bottom. also brown spots are appearing on the yellow leaves.
you may not be able to tell cause my camera is bad but the leaves are a pale yelllow, but the very ends have some light green on them.

possibly helpful information.
plant started flowering on 9-29-10
transplanted plant into a larger pot 3 days into flower, right before this occured.
when transplanting i realized plant was badly rootbound so i broke the roots up very good,maybe too much. using 400 watt hps, about 12 inches from top of plant. i believe it may be plant moisture stress.
growth doesnt seem to be slowed. as i put a bud pic in there so you could see its progress after 2 weeks 1 day. i have been using miracle grow bloom booster 5-15-7.
watering with tap water and MG at double strength, althouh ive done this with many previous grows, never a problem.
i have some soil bugs, (ear dawber?), stinkbugs, gnats and a fly every few days, (probly from the open window)
average room temps are 80*F but directly under the hps is much warmer, almost too hot. ive seen heavy root growth in the past 2 days as they popout of the soil a little, then i re-bury them.

any questions or suggestions are appreciated. please help me. this has been going on for about a week, and in the past few days it has gotten to the point where i panic.

happy smoking,

well i might be wrong but from what i know its normal for the leaves to turn yellow during flowering as the plant is now focusing on producing budd...do some research on it...again im not sure so wait on the more experienced replies..good luck..
problem is your using miracle grow, if you read uncle ben's thread, then you would know better, look at the P in your n-p-k values, and you would also know,it's not normal for them to yellow and fall off, that's just B.s old school thinking.
it's overloaded with P


Active Member
you are correct, but usually not until the 7th week. maybe im wrong. the plants look indica dominant, (bagseed). but all ive grown before was sativas... thanks for the reply. lets see what other people think.


Active Member
maybe your right. there arent any hydro or grow stores around me. should i buy a different nute offline? anyone got a good suggestion? thanks for the quick replies. you guys think she'll be okay if i chill with the MG?


Active Member
thanks. should i continue to panic? or will she be okay? should i flush? use hydrogen peroxide? epsom salts? and are the leaves dead? or can i save them? sorry bout he 20 questions. but outof 4 plants i only got 1 female...
get some good water and p.h it, water it with that for a couple waterings to get the mg out,order some good nutes and switch to that when you get it.


Active Member
okay, i have a pH tester. what is an ideal pH? i usually go for 6.5. im going to buy a gallon or 2 of R.O. water right now.


Active Member
thanks. i pH'd the water from my bathtub. its about 6.7. flushed it very well, i let it drain and now im about to order some nutes. thanks for the help.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
the water from your bathtub could very well be your problem.... it has been my problem for 2.5 grows now. since i bought a reverse osmosis system ( $149.99 from lowes ) i have had no problems. my tap water ppm is 430 ppm, the ro water is 0 ppm. depending on the trace minerals and elements in the water, even having a proper ph will still lock out nutrients. you might want to think about at least using a small brita or pur water filter jug. i know around here in CA where i live, water quality standards are between 300-500 ppm and 6.0-8.0 ph.... the whold point of flushing your plants is to wipe the slate clean and start over, this being the case bathtub water in my opinion is no good. go for at least purified, better off if it is distilled. good luck. hope this helps.


Active Member
helps a lot, thanks. and i never really thought of it like that... i do have a PUR water filter, but it would take a century to filter at least 5 gallons for flushing. my pitcher is only 6 cups. and that takes about 10 minutes. plus the fact that my girl is in a 10 gallon pot.
lowes sells ro machines? no lowes around here. but how about home depot? there's 2 close by.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
i hear ya on the PUR thing you might want to go out and buy a 5 gallon jug of water to water with for a couple waterings until you can get better water source. yea the depot sells them as well. i would get at least a 3 stage ( sediment filter, ro membrane filter and carbon post filter ) r.o. filtration system. i believe it was $167 at Home Depot, right around that price. and if you have your girl in a 10 gallon pot, you would technically want to flush with 2x the container size minimum, usually 4x which would be 40 gallons of "good" water. if you go with a ro system and you are using nutes, make sure you have a ph tester and a ph kit to regulate the ph. ro water is very clean and when nutes are added it tends to change the ph greatly. at full dose my nutes bring it down to around 3.6 from 7.0. hope it helps. good luck.


Active Member
Tap water, MG, double strenght MG nutes, that all sounds like a recipe for desaster. Thats just my opinoun and i know thats not much but good luck anyway.


Active Member
alright. ive been using distilled water that ive been buying from walmart. seems to be helping. im gonna see what money i can put in to buy an ro system. and ive grown with mg and tap water before with no problem on my previous grow. im seeing some crazy root growth tho. so i think the problem is going away. like, the space in between the soil and the pot, theres tons of massive roots going to the edge. to be honest i dont think it was the mg. call me hard headed but this is the first signs of the problem and ive been using mg plant food the whole time. i think the culprit was moisture stress, because my grow room is too hot, 80-85 during day and 65-75 at night. and the fact that i transplanted her a few days into flowering, and because she was rootbound i broke the roots up real good. probably too much. but, im seeing massive root growth, and massive bud growth in the past few days. im definitly buying an ro system though. thanks for all the infoguys. i REALLY appreciate it. all my usual threads get 5 replies if im lucky.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I read this thread and the responses... I'm sorry no one has been able to tell you what the problem is.

You have a calcium and a phosphate issue. These are common in grows where high levels of sulfur are present. Epsom Salt is a number 1 cause next to pH imbalances.

Phosphates bind with calcium for mobility in the plant.

Your plant is definitely hungry. During this time in flowering is when I'm using more nutrients than any other time. Increase your phosphates, calcium, magnesium and potassium for the next week before dialing them back. Make sure the pH is in range, and quality water should be a no-brainer. Concentrate on the new growth and keeping it healthy.

Old fan leaves near the bottom of the plant will die off with a lack of light, so if your plant is tall and dense then it could just be light deprivation and the plant is cannibalizing useless leaf mass. This could also be the cause of your issues.