2 weeks into flowering almost all yellow. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
This is my first indoor grow. It's 3 female lowryder 2 under cfls in organic potting soil from the garden center no fertilizer in the soil. I have 6 23watt 6500k, and 6 30watt 2700k about 3" above the plants. The room temp varies in the 70's. Never below 68 or above 82. On 21 nov the leaves started to yellow. I checked and adjusted the ph, it was low 5.5 with some lime, now it's 7. I flushed them last sunday and watered them with epson salt added to the water, 1 tble spoon per gallon. I had been watering them every other day w/ about 20oz spring water prior to this and added 1/2 strength nutes 2 weeks ago and only one watering. I thought it was overwatering or root bound so I repoted them yesterday from one gallon to 2 gallon containers and the soil was still very wet in the containers from last sunday.

They are getting worse fast.. First it was the lower leaves getting yellow and crispy. After the ph was adjusted no more crispy leaves but the yellowing spread. The budding does not seem to have slowed. They are more than double the size they were last week. I'm out of ideas and don't want to screw anything up worse than it is so any help would be appreciated...



Well-Known Member
well IMO

what you have done is starve the plants during flower they consume lots of nutes, and they are starting to lock up and lockout. better get some food, sad part is you cant fix whats allready started, or yellow. however look for some new green growth right after feeding


Well-Known Member
They are hungry. Since you fed them 2 weeks ago they must be fed again and promptly. They have a major nitro deficiency not to mention all other elements are lacking as well.

Do you have veg food and flower food available? If so mix the 2 together on their next watering. Use 1/4 the recommended amount of veg food and 1/2 the reccomended amount of flower food. This will help them out alot. Once they get this feeding give time to let your soil dry. For your next feeding/watering just stick with the reccomended amout of flower food, they will perk up.
Btw, even though you will be giving them some veg food along with flower food, do not change your light schedule, keep them in flower. good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your quick replies. I've feed them now I'll just have to wait and see.

Will any of the color come back on the light green trim leaves or are they to far gone?


Well-Known Member
Some will regreen and some won't. Brown shrivaled ones will not come back, cut them off, they are the lower ones. You will mostly see green in new growth. Tomorrow will be the day for you and your plants. You'll notice the fan leaves attempting to get green again and everyday after they will get better. Again, only cut that one shrivled leaf off and let her go.


Well-Known Member
all that water is also starving the root system of oxygen, let the soil dry out a lil bit till you water, every other day seems a bit much, let the plant tell you it need water dont force it....look into using H2O2(hydrogen peroxide) to get some oxygen down there


Well-Known Member
im kinda having a prob too... starting 4th week of flower today. day 22 and well.... maybe you guys have any ideas? Its getting real bad, i havent fed nutes the past 2 times i did today tho, hoping to see something good happen =/

