2 weeks into flowering.....sex?


Active Member
hey guys and gals!!!! this is my first grow and im a little confused. i did in fact use the search button and look over numerous threads. If you could help out one more newbie with sexing i would be greatly appreciative!!! Thanks in advance!!

ok this is the plant that i am about 99% sure is male....

and im thinking this one is female.....

any help would be appreciated!!! i have 8 plants budding in a hydro setup right now and anotehr 2 in soil!! thanks again!



Active Member
thanks guys.....the first three pics are of the same plant so i think we can call it male!! lol...the second one im still not sure about but i dont see any little sacs like the first plant. Nevertheless i have moved the male out of the room to make sure he does not do his business with the ladies....



Active Member
kill the male if it pollinates in the house it can still pollinate the girls threw the venting in your house threw the heater


Well-Known Member
the other does look like it is leaning towards a female "look". tighting of clusters..... males tend to show earlier than females. they like to have pollen out and available for the female as soon as she gets hairs to collect it. so you often see them first.