2 weeks old plant problem..


Hy, i just registerd so this is my first post...
I have 2 weeks old plant, don't know the strain..this is my problem:
The leafs turning brown from tips towards the stem.
The temp is between 23-27, i'm using 3 25w cfls 6500k, the distance from the tip is around 2 inches.
Im using regular quality potting soil.
my box is kinda still in progress so there mighthave been irragular temps and lightning while i was fixing stuff, plus watering wasn't done properly, at first i was giving a little water every night, but than read i should water more and let it dry out, so i watered it untill it went out of the pot, and the next morning it started turning brown.
I would really apriciate some advices and help, this is my first grow and i dont need much, a single or 2 plants just 4 my own needs.
P.S. if u needmore info pls ask


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Here is another picture taken right now, the leaf turning brown feel like paper under touch.


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Looks like possible early signs of nute burn, What soil are you using? Ideally for seedlings and cuttings you want nutrient free soil and then to add your own in 2-3 weeks when needed. What PH r u giving them?
Thank you very much for a fast reply, i dont have a PH meter so i really dont know, here are the pictures of the soil.
I hope you can read it and that it helps


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im am really a noob so i don't have allmost any equpment, i don't have any fertilisers and no expirience.
Any kind of advice would be apriciated, as i said i overwaterd 4 days ago and havent waterd since, the siol is dry on the top
but moist under the surfice. So i dont know if the overwatering might be the reason for the leafs turning dry, brown and a bit stif..
I think the leafs are dying, i wouldent be worried if the plant wasn't so young and these werrent 1 of 2 sets of leafs.
pls anyone with expirience some advice,if nedeed i can upload more pictures of the box or something...
It's probably nute burn from the looks. Your SOIL[NPK] was too strong for the seedlings. Keep it watered, it should pull around. If it worsens, get perlite rich soil, take your plant out of container and GENTLY SHAKE OFF DIRT and plant into the new perlite rich and nutrient [N-p-k] free soil!
Ok, thank you very much! I was wondering what now with watering, i will report in a few days with result.
Again thank you very much!
Ok, first thing.

IF you want a trouble free grow. Get a Red Hanna PH pen for $30 off ebay. If you aren't PHing your water, there will be troubles throughout and you will just bang your head trying to fix the problems....when the solution was easy = PH!.

If you used tap water, it could be chlorine. Which is easily corrected by letting the water sit for a day at room temp....or get some dechlorinator from the local pet store.

How did you water? and What kind of water did you use?
When are you going to transplant?
When are you going to use the first nutes?
Do you have a fan on these guys?

Great job so far...they look nice. They are on node 4 under CFLs! That's pretty good. IF you get a PH pen, I guarantee you will have a stress free, easy grow.

I'll wait for your response.
I waterd every night with regular tap water with like just a couple sprays with a sprayer, but i just got some spring water,
iv'e read that i should be the best for the job.
I dont know about the nutes, i really dont even have any yet, i live in a small place so ill have to take a little trip for that,
so i could use some advice on the npk values and when to start using them.
I have an 220v outake fan on top of the box and a 12v pc fan at the bottom for intake and that one is blowint at the plant.
Thank you for any advice
About the transplanting..i could use some advice about that to; abouth the ph pen..ill look aroun for it
i think there should be available here to
If im wrong about the spring water pls correct me and i apologyse for double posting..
I waterd every night with regular tap water with like just a couple sprays with a sprayer, but i just got some spring water,
iv'e read that i should be the best for the job.
I dont know about the nutes, i really dont even have any yet, i live in a small place so ill have to take a little trip for that,
so i could use some advice on the npk values and when to start using them.
I have an 220v outake fan on top of the box and a 12v pc fan at the bottom for intake and that one is blowint at the plant.
Thank you for any advice
Don't trip.

This should help you understand the NPK value system

DO NOT OVER-WORRY about PH in soil!
the only thing you need is PH up[In pet stores, All i've used]
When you mix you're Fertilizer[npk] with water, you use PH up to stabilize ph. You're plant should thrive just fine! PH is something HYDRO systems and the like have to worry about more-so then soil.


the last thing and VERY important thing you need to check is TEMPERATURE. NEVER let it raise above 88 degrees Fahrenheit.


[ Unless you have C02, thats a different story]


These guides should help you out with your questions and your grow
How To Grow Marijuana:

How to Grow marijuana


Hope this helps!
Thank you very much, yes the post was very helpfull and i think a will find all the answears in the links you have gave me.
I hope it will be allright and she will pull throu, and i will report back in a few days with pictures.
P.S. i'll try not to worry to much :D
Thank you
It is getting worse, the 2 leafs that were turning brown are worse, and even the healty pair of leafs are little brown now. I'll upload the picture but it's hard to see on it the tips of hetly leafs is little brown now ass well, i think ill flush the soil or maybe transplant into a new one, what do you think?


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from what you said about how you were watering it. i was always told that with soil when its a seedling you only leave it damp and after that wou want to leave the top layer dry and underneath moist. so it might be that your over watering it tho.
try this toohttps://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/1469-marijuana-plant-problems-cures.html
hope i helped