2 weeks old plant problem..

I got the link, NP and thank you...
I forgot to mention that the plant was on 24h lights on..last night i swiched to 18-6 and the leafs seemed
kinda more raised and relifed.. i dont have any nutrients at the moment, so all i have is the soil it is allready in,
and no nutes were added, so flushing the soil seems piontless but i really dont know what to do about it,
can any stuff i have at home, like baking soda and vinegar ect. help me with the problem?
I just compared to pictures here: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/157345-have-plant-problem-check-here.html
and i looks like mg deficiency to, i could use another opinion and advice..
You're gonna want to give that puppy some nitrogen soon! "N" and a smaller amount of PK! Get a Chemical or Organic fertilizers. Ill tell you more on that in a minute but one thing that i always cut off is the leaves you're having a problem with, after they get as much green on the plant as yours does.
You don't want to wait much longer on nutes.
Chemical nutes:
Something like SCHULTZ OCHRID FOOD 30-10-10.[At "Home Depot, Wal-mart, hydro shopes, lowes etc,]
You can buy liquid or powders.
You can also buy "Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Bat Guano, Worm castings and perlite rich, nutrient free soil." and mix them in the container you're going to transplant to and mix them 10% - 10% - 15% - 30% - 35%. You'll never have to worry about nutes.
With the organic method you may need Diatamatious Earth for calcium later in flower but that's all.
The leafs are cutoff, i'll try to get some nutes as soon as possible.
Another thing i forgot to mention, the box was in the garage and very dirty
so i washed it and i had to use some chemicals, could it be that i havent
washed them off properly and it is vaporating, could that be the problem?
Again thank you for help!
well it looked more like a phosphorus problem but it def could be magnesium, if you have Epsom salt that can be used to correct a magnesium deficiency one tbs in on gallon of water is the typical mixing ratio.
you soil package says the ph is 6-5 wich is low for mj you can bring your ph up with wood ash. If I were in your current situation I would mix 1tbs of epsom salt and 4tbs of wood ash in one gallon of water and just use that for the next week.
Thanks very much, i will try with wood ash, but i dont have epson salt can i use something else?
The plant spent the night outside the box and im about to clean it with the water-bleach mix
or just clean water thoroughly. The plant is looking good getting some sunlight but there's very little of it, the dieyng leafs where cut off.
P.S. i have lots of materials by Jorge Cervantes :D thx


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What are you using for lights.. sounds like you need more of whatever light you're trying to give it. going back and forth from indoor lights to outdoor and back can stress a plant.
I have 3x 25w 6500k cfls, i think it should be enough for such a small plant plus the box is quite small.
I know it does stress the plant, but i have to see if the box is the problem, so i will leave the plant outside
the box for a few days and monitor if it gets better. I prepared the wood ash, ill put a couple of tea spoons
in 2L of water and water the plant with that. Hope it will help.
I have just cleaned the box thoroughly with clean water with a sponge and then again with wet baby tissues,
now drying out but im thinking about leavin the plant outside for 2 more days to see if anything improves.
That means there is no light exept for a little sunlight for that period, i wont mind a little setback
as long the plant survives and there cant be permenent damage cause of lack of light,
or should i put it back in the box? The wood ash-water mix is ready, 2 and a half teaspoons
in 2 liters of water, no need for watering yet.
most of my girls are in hydro, but my nervanna mom plant is in soil. when i 1st started my plants in the hydro set from seed they were about two weeks old and started to do the same thing. so i went to the plant problim guide and it said the prob was Nitrogen and Phosperes i cant spell for shit just work up. i am using 3 step G hydroponics, flora bloom micro, and the other one. i uped the brown and the green in a gallon of water dumped it in to the res, week later it was gone and they were over 20 inchs. thats with hydro i would try fox farm nutes man priced well big ass jugs. one of my buddies is doin soil and he used fox farm shit came out like super drow real piney and sweet, mixed in molause as well. the fox farm soil is real good to happy frog stuff. my mom plant is about 8 inchs and13 nodes maybe more to bushy to see and dont want to fuck it. didnt need any nutes for the 1st month. try that stuff out next time bro
Yes, ive heard about the foxfarm soil and that it doeas miracles, but im not able to get any right now.
I went into this very unprepared, but we live and learn.
Could mix of a certain drink and water maybe help me, here's what it contains :

Cations mg
Ammonium 1,05
Lithium 3,3
Sodium 1500
Potassium 13
Magnesium 1030
Calcium 380
Strontium 6,8
Iron < 0,1
Manganese 0,17

Fluoride 0,23
Chloride 59
Bromide 0,29
Iodide 0,08
Nitrate < 2
Nitrite < 0,007
Sulphate 2400
Hydrogen phosphate < 0,02
Hydrogen carbonate 7700

Non-disintegratable Compounds
Metaboric acid 16,6
Metasilicic acid 156
Dissolved carbon dioxide, approximately 3800

so i was thinkin of mixing this with water, what do you think what ratio should i use and could this help?
I know im complicating but i really cant get any real nutes now and im just trying to help the plant
survive for a while untill i get the real stuff. Again any help, advices and opinions are very apriciated,
and i apologyse for my crapy english. Thank you
P.S. the drink is usualy used for helping with metabolism problems ect.
Slow up some and don't be adding all sorts of un necessary shit and creating more problems.

Change or add ONE thing at the time and wait for the plants reaction, and do it in SMALL amounts.

I would dilute that wood ash to 1/2 what you have now, those are really small plants, babies. Would you force feed a baby more than it can eat?

Epsom Salts are available in any drug store.

I wouldn't use the drink it has things in it not meant for plants and 2tbs in 2 liters of water isnt really that hot wet, wood ash has phosphates but not that much compared to other things and it was more intended as a ph up as wood as contains trace ammounts of NaOH or lye which is alkaline I have watered with 1tbs to 16oz of water with no problem and my soil ph was 6. but your right they should only try one thing at a time and wait for the result. if its phosphorus or pH the wood ash will help but if they want to be cautious 1 and a half tbs to 2 liters would be alright.
Ok, ill just keep watering with the ash-water solution and see how the plant reacts, thank you for advice.
Ill post a picture tomorrow so you can see how it does.
To report..
It seems to me that the browning of the leafs is slowing down even it is hard to be sure yet.
The plant grew nicley over night and it looks to me that it turned brown at a slower rate than yesterday, evan if it spent the night in the box.
I wil be more certain later today or tomorrow, here are a couple of pics..


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I have diluted the solution by 1/2 and watered last night, it is still turningh brown, but i think it has slowed down alot. Dont know if it was the box or lack of nutes but what ever i did (with your help) seems to be helping :D
Thank you guys very very much!!


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