2 weeks old. Problem!!

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
but the ph is probably whats causing nute lock out since there are already nutes added to MG

calcium and magnesium are best absorbed between 7.0 ad 8.5

so maybe its acidic which can cause cal/mag lock out.
My tap water is about 8.0 before adding "Down" drops. I down the PH in my water AFTER transplant, using only a spray bottle with distilled water with the seedling. My guage is, when the plant needs more than a soaking from a spray, it's time to PH the water. I do let my water stand for at least 3 days, so the chlorine will evaporate.


Well-Known Member
Thats all im sayin is that the use of un PH'd water could be causing a rise or drop in ph which locks out nutrients.

Even if its the nutrients within the soil already.

i know personally mine runs about 8.4-8.6 and if i didnt ph id def get lock out.

temperature greatly effects ph as well! so dont get it too hot or too cold. room temp is perfect. (75)

also i use an R/O filter because chlorine,bromine,flouride.

Flouride is as bad for us as it is for the plants. haha


Well-Known Member
but the ph is probably whats causing nute lock out since there are already nutes added to MG

calcium and magnesium are best absorbed between 7.0 ad 8.5

so maybe its acidic which can cause cal/mag lock out.
This early in, that's unlikely. There's been no time for any buildup. If PH testing is in order, runoff doesn't give you a reliable read.


Well-Known Member
But what about the ph of soil out of the bag?? Are you sure its not weighted in one direction.

Like a MG made for something that need a higher or lower ph than marijuana does like orchids or tomatoes or roses.


Well-Known Member
The high-acidity stuff is labeled as such. Maybe he got a bad batch though, and they added too much of something into that batch of compost; that's within the realm of possibility. Or maybe they just didn't mix that batch well enough, and it's under-ferted. I still maintain a "wait and see" approach may be wiser here. The 2 day old pic had a few tiny brown spots that could be caused by a number of things, and they seem less visible in the more recent shots he posted with it. Oh, I forgot to say kudos on the lime suggestion though. It does make a good buffer to prevent PH issues. I have noticed that most people that use it advise adding it into your soil mix before planting though; it seems to work better and immediately that way. Looked at a bag of MG moisture control just now, realized there is no lime in it whatsoever; if it progresses, ph may be worth looking into. Another thought is that maybe the coir is sucking up the Cal and Mg? I just noticed that's the moisture retaining additive in that MG mix. His bag could be a bit heavy on the coir; I have no idea how good their quality control is.