2 white pistils on 18/6


Well-Known Member
I get pistils during veg quite often. Its called pre flowers. When a plant reaches its sexual maturity during veg, it signals it's ready for flowering. How long have they been in the 18/6 mode?

:joint: ~Boneman


New Member
you really should cause I think you got a good pheno, might wanna keep that strain alive and now is the perfect time to clone


Well-Known Member
A good genetic strain will show pre flowers around the 4-6 week mark. You are inline with that. Congrats on the lil lady :hump:


Active Member
nice man 1 month is awsome clone is always the same age as them mother plant so if she was in vegg for 2 months the clones are 2 months you cant take cutting but i would keep the original clone as mom and then keep taking clones form her so you keep the same gens and dont add any unwanted probs. genetics tend to break down the more generations you go down .