2 Widows going under some 250 HPS lights.


Active Member
Hello. This is a couple pictures of the set up. Using some Hps lights got some fox farm soil and some White Widow seeds. Its still too early to determine the sex but this is how they are starting up. This is two weeks in for the big one and one week for the little one. Hoping that things are right on schedule.



Active Member
Hey. So the plant has grown quite a bit in the past few days. But the big one is starting to develop some yellow on the bottom leaves, This is happening around the center of the plant not the tips. I am not sure what exactly is happening my guess is that it is a nitrogen deficiency. Any Ideas?


Active Member
Hello. So the Big plant is in week 3 of growth and is starting to create a second layer. But as a result of this, as you can see this is limiting the light to the first layer. What would you all suggest be done?
Also I have begun to use some of the fox farm Tiger Bloom (2-8-4). The soil itself is quite rich in Nitrogen so it is in my opinion, unnecessary to use the fox farm 'Big Bloom" which is rich in nitrogen.
The second plant is in Week 2 of growth and is moving along quite nicely.
The little one is just a seedling.



Active Member
Hey Folks. So here they are, we are going to start flowering next week and for the big one it is now week 5.5 and other one is on week 4.5.
Also i have one that is still only on the second week of vegetation, what will happen if i start the 12/12 so early? But other wise they seem to look alright except for some yellow on the tips of the second plant, not sure what that is about.
Also i see some purple stems on the bigger one. It has a 50% chance of being a widow though so I am not sure. Any ideas?



Active Member
Hey So this is the first week of flowering. The bigger plant which is a white widow is showing some little red hairs coming out of the pre flowers. But it has huge bumps in at the bottom were the branches connect to the main stem.
On the second plant, which i do not know what strain, but i got it at a seed bank on Toronto so im pretty sure it something good. But they are showing little hairs also outta the pref lowers is it a girl?
Watta u all think?
Picture 1 and5 are of the "second Plant.
Picture 2-4 are of the widow.
Please let me know



Active Member
One week into flowering we have 1 female. So the big one which is a widow is def a male. You can see by the ball.
The second one which is a strain I do not know is a female. The two of them look entirely different in shape to each other.
Also the 3rd one which I started flowering after only 3 weeks of veg is growing a bit. But will I be able to yield anything significant out of it?



Active Member
Hello so for my first grow it seems that i was 1-3. But i think that i can going to try to pollinate the female with a few seeds, so those males are not a complete waste. But here we are looks pretty good.
The last pic is of the male.



Well-Known Member
dam my white widow is at 3 weeks and it looks way bigger than urs did at 3 weeks and it was in a small ass pot