2 words that sound funny together.


Well-Known Member
Fuck I'm baked, and this is lame, but I'm bored and stoned. So here it goes.
What are 2 words that you normally don't hear side by side that sound funny to you...

I'm going with "Bum Balls" . what do ya got?


Well-Known Member
BAHAHA....I went and watched him speak a few weeks ago; so funny the politicians. Saw John Edwards too...didn't even bother with Mrs. Clinton.

How about...

Progressive Congress.


Well-Known Member
ok now i could take it in the political direction like you cats, but that just aint my style. i have two words, that i heard my friend say to me one time after eating some mushrooms,

Celery Hospital

that is exactly what i heard him say clear as day, right next to me, he seemed really confused when i asked him what the fuck he meant, and to this day claims never to have said it, hes definately not the kind of kid to fuck with me like that, or even think of something like that. and hes not a liar, so i trust him. as to what that says about my subconscious the answer has yet to be found.