Bro. Be strong. Girls are a dime a dozen. Find yourself a WOMAN. Until then dont go looking. Do you and work on yourself. Women will come to you. Blaze up bro. I'll vape to spite that dumb heartless cunt. Vaporizer.....engage.
I'm pretty sure Benassi and I are brothers. Seriously. He said it all. Had a hard time offering advice.
Today has been so much easier guys. I got promoted, with no pay raise lol, but to a position of wayyy more responsibility. I was told not to try to meet quota, but I ended up killin' it lol. I was 50 over hahaha!
I didn't even think of her really. Her bro is my boss, but he holds nothing against me, nor I to him. Its seems like he actually expects more out of me for that reason.
I still cant find any green, and now that my car is broke down, doesnt look like its gonna happen for a while. It took everything I had not to buy a gram of the legal herb for a head change haha.
Greenhorn: I know right? I've always towered over most of my friends but all of them can put their fingers around my wrists lol. I dont mind anymore, I used to hate it, but I learned to accept the fact that my metabolism is really high. My bro was the exact same way. Now he has a beer belly lol. I know when he got out of prison he was a rock. Straight up BEAST! I have never really gotten into weight lifting, but everytime I do it, it seems like I gain 2-3 lbs on my bench max lol.
Thanks for all the positive vibes brothas, you have no idea how your internet thoughts have helped lol!