2 years..

thanks for being heere, hey my question today

I have about 5 seeds. I am wondering in 1 pot how many seeds I am supposed to put, am I supposed to put 1 seed for 1 small pot? or can I put all of the seeds in the same pot and hope one of them grow?


Well-Known Member
1 seed per pot, or you're going to have troubles if a couple of them start(roots getting tangled up and competing for nutes). The best way would be to germinate them first, or start each seed seperately in a small plastic/styrofoam cup. It saves alot of space. Then when they sprout and look healthy, you can put them in a bigger sized pot.
hello, I was wondering what type of cup I should use for the plant, I was thinking styrofoam but then I saw a solo cup.... does it have to be like a tim hortons or starbucks cup?