20 plants dieing leaves curling down HELP ASAP


Well-Known Member
am i flushing when I run the water threw till it streams out the bottom right? or do i have to do that for like 5 minutes or something

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I'm new at indoor growing myself but have read anywhere from 2 to three times the water the pot will hold. The more the better I'm sure. More than just until it comes out the bottom. I was going to time it with a stop watch and see how long it takes to fill 1 gal. Then run it to get 3 times the water through the pot. I'll run at least 9 gal through my 3 gal pots. I gave my ones in flower a light flush the other day and ran 2 gal through the 3 gal ones. When I water them they get 3/4 gal before it comes out the bottom. I would have done more but did not want to use tap water yet because of the chlorine in my tap. Don't want to kill any good bacteria in the pots yet so I used distilled. I had a feeling I had maybe been giving them to much nutes. They have been doing pretty good but have had some spotting. First I thought have been to much light or a calcium deficiency. But since I veg them longer than normal I figured to be safe and it would not hurt to give them at least a light flust to help get rid of any salt build up from the nutes.That's not good for them either.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
am i flushing when I run the water threw till it streams out the bottom right? or do i have to do that for like 5 minutes or something
That is the way they should be watered and feed. Until it comes out the bottom, that way you know the whole pot got water and the bottom is not to dry.


Well-Known Member
allright thanks now i know how to flush properly.

got allmost all my hydro shit in today gunna open the box and take some pics in a minute.

and i gotta move the big grow room downstairs someone caught a glimpse of the light under a door and started asking Q's so now i gotta move it and have them come back over and do back flips in the room he thought i was growing in.....WHAT A PAIN
and leaves are still dying. I went ahead and feed the rest plant food so there all fully ferted now. and i stuck a bucket of water in the room to evaporate

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Need that meter for humidity dude. Can't wait to see your hydro stuff, SWEET!! Ya, did some light blocking myself this weekend. Mine are mostly in a closet in a room that know one has a reason to go in. And my filter is working great, can't smell it at all unless I leave the door to the closet open to long. It's tuff in a house so small. I shouldn't say this is my first inside grow, but the first to get this far. I did it in fall of 2007 but had to move and shut down just before I was ready to flower. Only had one female and no more good seed, so I started to clone and had a couple going from that. I liked only having the three sides on the box so I could check them every 1/2 hour to see if the had grown. LOL Here's some pics.



Well-Known Member
those look so much better then mine ever do :( lololol i have much to learn master

but yea i just cleaned uup the grow room and hid everything so i think it looks good, hes comeing over pretty soon i
dont think hell be the wiser, what do u think ? ?


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Looks like a good start. What did you get for nutes? That looks like just a bathroom to me. Pot?? What pot???? Not Me!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a good start. What did you get for nutes? That looks like just a bathroom to me. Pot?? What pot???? Not Me!!
he he he he he he llolol its in the shower lolol that's my grow room LOLOL he didnt know shit I was very relived. But i have the sweetest setup In the basement I just need to clean it and build it. Ill take some pics in the next few days to show u what im talking about in the basement
and i got like 5 diffrent nutes. for flower veg etc. the brand is general hrdrophonics supposed to be good stuff for hydro.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
If you want to start from seed you should maybe have something much smaller to start them in. No sense in mixing all those nutes for seedlings. A 1 gal setup is good for the first step. Easy to make one out of about any plastic food container. Just need to make it light proof. I like the 1 gal ones I get at walmart. They are about 2 for $2 and I use them for soil and hydro stuff. Keeping them all the same helps keeps things neater and takes up less space. You can grow a pretty good size plant in them. And then transplant into the bigger ones when ready to flower. Concentrate on getting a good veg and clone space going first. You need that to keep the flower box full all the time. Have you been doing any cloning yet? What size net pots did you get?


Well-Known Member
okey dookie Ill buy a 1 gal tomorrow I was gunna rock a little tray thing but i think ur right a 1 gal container would work alot better and i have extra air stones and pumps anyhow


Well-Known Member
dood wait untill u see how sweet my basement could be ur gunna flip lolol. I could setup a SEROIOUS operation there if i wanted to

in fact Ill have u help me design the shit and well like build it togther along the way on the interwebs lololololol

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I have been using General Hydroponics stuff myself. It's been great to me. I like the feeding program they have, very simple really. No ph problems so far either it always seems to be good and steady. An owner at a hydro store I went to recommened it to me a while ago and have been very happy with it. I do the "Expert Recirculating Program" and chose the mix I'm looking for. I am also going to be trying something else too.


Well-Known Member
I have been using General Hydroponics stuff myself. It's been great to me. I like the feeding program they have, very simple really. No ph problems so far either it always seems to be good and steady. An owner at a hydro store I went to recommened it to me a while ago and have been very happy with it. I do the "Expert Recirculating Program" and chose the mix I'm looking for. I am also going to be trying something else too.
Sweet ill show u everything i got when it comes in and u can break it all down for me. i watched jorge cervantes movies last night and learned quite a bit new info as well very good info was found.